In the words of Sheikh Najm-al-din Qubra: This is a hint from a master of meditation that will aid us in our practices. He also reminds us that we will be held accountable for our actions. The Judge. Your consciousness will rise in the fountain of light at the top of the head and you ll reach right up. Al-Basir: For the enlightenment of heart and soul, recite this name 100 times after Jummah prayer. The name Allāh encompasses all of the divine names and attributes of perfection. It may help at first to keep one s eyes only slightly ajar and as you inhale again, close the eyes. The first practice is the wazifa ya Basir, 21 times, followed by the fikr, the silent invocation, followed by fikr-i-sirr, the experience of the inner essence of the practice, after this continuing the mental act of invocation. Sheikh Burhanuddin dal Ritiro: […] Pubblicato 2 Febbraio 2017. 28: Al-Hakam: Secrets will be revealed to the person who recites this name frequently at night. ... Is the saying of Az-Zuhry too and the meaning is: The story of Abu Basir in the narration of `Aqil is from the Mursals of Az-Zuhry. Then exhale, without releasing. This hadith is interpreted by the Sufis to mean that the faithful devotee of God becomes a mirror to God Him/Herself. This light exists not merely on a horizontal plane but it is the refraction of the celestial light that descends through the crown center, cosmic radiation which is constantly impinging upon us from above from the inner reaches of space which links us to the hierarchy of celestial lights, the intelligences, vast beings of complex electromagnetic patterns whose intelligence is of a different and perhaps higher order than our own, each communing with the light that is still vaster and more abstract, culminating in the Light of Lights, the luminous core of all being. Some of His creatures see shapes and colors and movements better than people do. Do not simply identify with the beam that emerges from the pineal. As Pir Vilayat says, it is not a hypnotic or scrutinizing glance, it is an effusive and generous glance, just casting light. Ya Basir Wali Allah led by Grace Marie Fort Collins, Colorado USA I just wondering if you guys know the meaning of the words that you are singing or not ? Why have I two eyes if not to behold thy glorious vision? What is the difference between belief and faith? Yet right in front of His eyes, you do not hesitate to perform the most shameful and careless acts, without respect or fear. (11:112), Glorified and Exalted is He above all that they associate with Him Who took His slave Muhammad, may His peace and blessings be upon him, for a journey by night from al-Masjid-al-Haram at Mecca to al-Masjid-al-Aqsa in Jerusalem, the neighborhood whereof We have blessed, in order that We might show him, Muhammad, may His peace and blessings be upon him, Our ayat (signs). The body absorbs and emits light, the body is transformed into light that fills the atmosphere, hurtling through space at 186,000 miles per second. Ya Ghaffar (The Forgiver) One who recites this name, his sins … Al-Assad in Arabic means "the Lion". Human perception it limited in registering only preexisting objects at a certain distance, and can differentiate those objects only when the eye or the object moves and changes. But why sustain the body to reproduce and produce more humans who can hunt and eat. It is very important not to exert pressure; otherwise the retina could be damaged. And Allah is All-Seer of what they do. That will give a tremendous intensity and penetration to your glance. It has been advanced by some, like Abû `Alî al-Fârisî, and al-Warmî, that al-Rahmân denotes “general mercy for all of creation” while al-Rahîm denotes “specific mercy for the believers alone.” Allah says: “And he is merciful O Witness, O All-Seeing One! It's not an inquiring ego light; it's a loving light. La ilaha illa Llah. Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir (Arabic: عمر حسن أحمد البشير ‎, pronounced ; born 1 January 1944) is a Sudanese former military officer and politician who served as the seventh president of Sudan under various titles from 1989 to 2019, when he was deposed in a … Keep the eyes relaxed and the gaze steady, not studying the image, scanning the image.The gaze should be diffuse and steady, taking in the whole of the face. Mathnawi VI, 812, trans. Open our eyes, ourselves with the light of the Quran! For being able to write this, being able to go through another milestone in life. The One whose insight sees all things clearly, both the apparent and the hidden. Ya Fattah (The Opener) reciting this name for success. YA AHAD. Mentions From The Quran & Hadith. (31:28). (17:1), That is because Allah merges the night into the day, and He merges the day into the night. Instead of concentrating on the light emitted by your physical eyes, concentrate entirely on the third eye. Al-Basir: The Seer of All: Benefits: He who repeats this Names 100 times after Friday afternoon prayer, Allah will give this person light in his sight and enlighten his heart. Of the seven leading names the sixth is Basir, the All-seeing. 3.Ya Allah Ya Malik! Benefits: He who repeats this Names 100 times after Friday afternoon prayer, Allah will give this person light in his sight and enlighten his heart. When you are in front of someone whom you respect and fear, you behave properly with good conduct. The next stage of this practice, can be done not only once but as often as possible, when interfacing with another person, conversing, recognize his or her face as a reflection of the divine face, just as you had done with your own face in the mirror. Just imagine the evolutionary processes that have given rise to our visual perception. by Editore | Published 6 November 2014 . Ya Basir (The All Seeing) One who recites this name 100 times after Friday Prayers (Namaz) will get the esteem in the eyes of others. He sees all that has passed, all there is, and all that will be until the end of time from before the time when He moved the sea of nothingness in ‘alam al-lahut until after Doomsday and the Last Judgment. Ya Ghaffar You watch what you do and what you say. Bashar Hafez al-Assad was born in Damascus on 11 September 1965, the second son and third child of Anisa Makhlouf and Hafez al-Assad. And exhaling, let your countenance be like the countenance of the sun, the archangel of the sun. Allah has also given us an eye of the heart for seeing deeper things than our ordinary eyes can see; an inner eye to see the inner man. Now as you inhale turn your eyeballs upwards and immediately the third eye will turn itself upwards. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer. Holding the breath, feel that one is looking at the universal light which is the cause of the One, the cause of the whole manifestation, out of which have come all the visible forms of this world before our view. Yet that person can only see your outside; your respect and fear of him depend only on your temporal worldly interest and concern. But what is the summum bonum. 29: Al-Adl: People will obey you if you will write this name on a piece of bread on Friday. But you are the one who understands eyes and hearts. The eyes are incapable of seeing what is under the surface. Anyway Basir … The 99 Names of Allah (Arabic: أسماء الله الحسنى‎ ‎, translit: ʾasmāʾu llāhi lḥusnā) also known as the 99 attributes of Allah, according to Islamic tradition, are the names of Allah revealed by the Creator (الله) (Allah) in the Qur'an.These are considered to be the attributes of Allah. And Allah is All-Seer of what they do. Al-Basir is the One Who Sees everything in its outward and its inward. Even the steps of a black ant on a black stone on a dark night. (2:220) […], Al Wajid The All-Existent Who is not needy of anything, nor is He ever incapable of anything. Do this two more times, inhale and hold and exhale. Show us the right as truth, as falsehood! YA BASIR. See your face as the reflection of the eternal face, just as you see in front of you on the surface of the mirror a reflection of your face. Ya Shahid! but meaning she wonders, runs racing through the Divine. Ya-Hakam He who repeats this Name many times at night, many secrets will be be revealed to him. Ya Basir (The All Seeing) One who recites this name 100 times after Friday Prayers (Namaz) will get the esteem in the eyes of others. It's important to draw the light from very high up, not just concentrating the horizonal beam of the the third eye, but linking it up with the shaft of light that descends. 17)Ya Basit (The Expander) One who recites this name 10 times after morning Prayers (Namaz) with open hands will get wealth. اَلْمُعِيْدُ . (3:15), And fight them until there is no more disbelief (fitnah) and the religion will all be for Allah alone. Grant me light from above me! Ya Basir (The All Seeing) One who recites this name 100 times after Friday Prayers (Namaz) will get the esteem in the eyes of others Ya Basit (The Expander) One who recites this name 10 times after morning Prayers (Namaz) with open hands will get wealth. The All-Seeing One. Now visualize this third beam projecting forward, intersecting with the light of the two eyes as they converge. I cite the hadith, "The faithful is a mirror to the Faithful." He sees all things. Quoting the words of the Koran, "Wherever you turn, there is God's face.". Someone asked Jesus (pbuh), “Could anyone among us be like you?”  He answered, “Whoever speaks only what God makes him say; whoever, when silent, is only silent in remembrance of God; and whoever, when he looks at things knows that what he sees is not God but from God, and learns and takes a lesson from what he sees, is like me.”. Verily, Allah is All-Hearer, All-Seer. Look into a mirror from a close distance for no more than 10 minutes. (22:61), The creation of you all and the resurrection of you all are only as the creation and the resurrection of a single person. It's a very wonderful practice and it's important because that's the way of using light to commune with people. O Giver of Peace! L’Esistenza stessa l’afferrerà, e ti porterà in alto. Begin with the wazifa, ya Basir, 33 times. Be conscious of the light that surrounds you and permeates the body.