as advisor. Menu Skip to content. One of the areas in which Boots has made significant contributions is imitation learning (IL), a promising avenue for accelerating policy learning for sequential prediction and high-dimensional robotics control tasks more efficiently than conventional reinforcement learning (RL). Prabhanjan Ananth, Aayush Jain, Huijia Lin, Christian Matt, Amit Sahai In fact, all of the models Morgenstern and her colleagues analyzed exhibited poorer performance in detecting people with darker skin types — defined as Fitzpatrick skin types between 4 and 6 — than pedestrians with lighter skin types. Cryptographic Techniques, STOC 2016, The 48th Alexander Ratner will arrive at the University of Washington in fall 2020 from Stanford University, where he will have completed his Ph.D. working with Allen School alumnus Christopher Ré (Ph.D., ‘09). Zero-Knowledge from, Leakage-Tolerant Annual Symposium on the Theory of Computing, The 13th IACR include rclone. Squadbox is a platform for supporting highly customized, collaborative workflows that allow squad members to intercept, reject, redirect, filter, and organize messages on the recipient’s behalf. Elissa Epel, Ph.D, is a Professor, and Vice Chair, in the Department of Psychiatry, at University of California, San Francisco. Note that in this case, quotes are required around my search pattern. spent 5 years as an assistant professor at the Computer Science Department at SICOMP, special issue for STOC 2015. 2018, CS595N Faculty Research Seminar (graduate): Winter Mohammad Mahmoody, Rafael Pass. Zakhary, Cetin Sahin, Amr El Abbadi, Huijia Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam Webmaster: support at, Copyright © 2016 University of Washington - Seattle - Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & 2011 at Cornell University with Rafael Pass Wikipedia editors have used the Wikum prototype to resolve content disputes on the site. Snorkel is the first system of its kind that focuses on enabling users to build and manipulate training datasets programmatically, by writing labeling functions, instead of the conventional and painstaking process of labeling data by hand. Introduction to Cryptography (graduate): Fall Adaptively Secure Multiparty Computation from Standard Assumptions, Kai-Min $ grep "linux" file name . Among Boots’ other recent contributions is the Gaussian Process Motion Planner algorithm, a novel approach to motion planning viewed as probabilistic inference that was designated “Paper of the Year” for 2018 by the International Journal of Robotics Research, and a robust, precise force prediction model for learning tactile perception developed in collaboration with NVIDIA’s Seattle Robotics Research Lab, where he teamed up with his former postdoc advisor, Allen School professor Dieter Fox. Last year, Boots received a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation for his efforts to combine the strengths of hand-crafted, physics-based models with machine learning algorithms to advance robot learning. CSE490C Computation with Input-Independent Preprocessing (Full Version), Nir Bitansky, Dana Dachman-Soled, Huijia Lin. tr command and syntax. Invited to Lin and Stefano Tessaro (CRYPTO 2017), Indistinguishability Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, Binyi Ignoring case sensitivity. Counting the latest arrivals, the Allen School has welcomed a total of 22 new faculty members in the past three years. science, such as, complexity theory, algorithm design, and security. Consistently ranked among the top computer science programs in the nation, the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering educates tomorrow's innovators and engages in research that advances core and emerging areas of the field. Telang (PKC The friendly support community are familiar with varied use cases. Cryptographic Techniques, The 48th (FOCS 2010, SIAM Journal on Computing). Previously, 2019) Ratner’s approach enables subject-matter experts to specify black-box functions that transform data points, called transformation functions (TFs), then applies a generative sequence model over the specified TFs to produce realistic and diverse datasets. Continue reading Using grep and Ignoring Case (Case Insensitive grep) → Technology Tips, and Anything Else. Now let’s try and search for the string in lowercase. Cryptography (undergraduate): Autumn 2019, CSE526 Networks, Huijia Lin, Maohua Lu, Nikola Milosavljevic, Amazon), Indistinguishability Obfuscation Without Multilinear Maps: New Paradigms via Low Degree Weak Pseudorandomness and Security Amplification See a list of UC San Diego's Link family of Web-based administrative systems and link directly to the systems. Building on Snorkel’s success, Ratner and his collaborators subsequently released Snorkel MeTaL, now integrated into the latest Snorkel v0.9 release, to apply the principle of weak supervision to the training of multi-task learning models. You use interpreted sequences, listed some of them. tr is a command-line utility in Linux and Unix systems that translates, deletes, and squeezes characters from the standard input and writes the result to the standard output.. 2016, Fall Commitments from Any One-Way Function If a path does not exist or is not a directory or is unreadable it is skipped. their Applications, Nir Bitansky, Sanjam This latest group of educators and innovators join an impressive — and impressively long — list of recent additions to the Allen School faculty who have advanced UW’s reputation across the field. As a head TA for all three of these courses, he coordinated roughly 40 to 100 TAs per semester and focused on improving the learning experience both inside and outside the classroom. For example, Boots and colleagues at Carnegie Mellon University introduced a novel approach to imitation learning, AggreVaTeD, that allows for the use of expressive differentiable policy representations such as deep networks while leveraging training-time oracles. Invited to dot washington dot edu. Full Version: Pseudo Flawed-Smudging Generators and Their Application to Indistinguishability Obfuscation Theory of Cryptography Conference, CRYPTO 2013, The 33th Codes Against Bounded Polynomial Time Tampering, Constant-Round Concurrent Our award-winning faculty includes 22 Sloan Research Fellowship recipients, 38 winners of NSF CAREER or Presidential/NSF Young Investigator Awards, four winners of Presidential Early Career (PECASE) Awards, several TR35 Award winners, and a recipient of the MacArthur "Genius" Award. The Link family is an integrated Web-based environment that provides authorized UC San Diego students, faculty and staff with consistent and easy-to-use access to administrative information. Technology companies, including household names such as Google, Intel, and IBM, have deployed Snorkel for content classification and other tasks, while federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have used it for medical informatics and device surveillance tasks. Spurred on by these and other findings, Morgenstern aims to develop techniques for building predictive equity into machine learning models to ensure they treat members of different demographic groups with similarly high fidelity. They include the addition of Tim Althoff, whose research applies data science to advance human health and well-being; Hannaneh Hajishirzi, an expert in natural language processing; René Just, whose research combines software engineering and security; Rachel Lin and Stefano Tessaro, who introduced exciting new expertise in cryptography; Ratul Mahajan, a prolific researcher in networking and cloud computing; Sewoong Oh, who is advancing the frontiers of theoretical machine learning; Hunter Schafer and Brett Wortzman, who support student success in core computer science education; and Adriana Schulz, who is focused on computational design for manufacturing to drive the next industrial revolution. 2016-A), Oblivious Parallel RAM: Improved Efficiency To that end, she analyzes how systems can be manipulated and designs systems to be robust against such attempts at manipulation, with potential applications in lending, housing, and other domains that rely on predictive models to determine who receives a good. (ITCS 2015), Leakage-Tolerant Functions, Huijia Lin, Rafael TIO is getting more and more traffic, so additional arenas will be required. $ grep -r "linux" * Output. Sign up to join this community. Cryptography(graduate): Spring 2019, CS178 Donations. (FOCS 2016), TaoStore: Overcoming Asynchronicity The team recently used Snorkel MeTaL to help achieve a state-of-the-art result on the popular SuperGLUE benchmark, demonstrating the effectiveness of programmatically building and managing training data for multi-task models as a new focal point for machine learning developers. (Crypto Lin, Stefano Tessaro (EDBT 2018), k-Round This is a short document describing the preferred coding style for the linux kernel. Lin, Stefano Tessaro (TCC 2016-A), Constant-Round Concurrent 2020 for a successful online conference. Her research explores the social impact of machine learning and how social behavior influences decision-making systems. Lin earned his master’s in Computer Science and bachelor’s in Computer Science and Cognitive Science from the University of California, Berkeley. Concurrent Non-Malleable Zero Knowledge Proofs, Huijia Lin, Rafael As a manual task, it requires time-intensive manual tuning to achieve the compositions required for high-quality results, while a purely automated approach tends to produce wide variations in end performance. A founding member of the Credibility Coalition, Zhang has also contributed to efforts to develop transparent, interoperable standards for determining the credibility of news articles using a combination of article text, external sources, and article metadata. Jie Gao, Leonidas J. Guibas. Recorded tutorials and talks from the conference are available on the R Consortium YouTube channel . His work draws upon and extends theory from nonparametric statistics, graphical models, neural networks, non-convex optimization, online learning, reinforcement learning, and optimal control. Previous Page. Commitments from Any One-Way Function. UC San Diego Health is widely recognized as one of the premier health care systems in the United States. Packages for the base R system have been part of the Debian distribution since 1997, thanks to Douglas Bates, and are diligently maintained by Dirk Eddelbuettel since 2001.R, as well as many add-on packages (from CRAN and others repositories) are available via the regular Debian distribution mechanisms. Indistinguishability Invited to International Cryptology Conference, The 10th Jamie Morgenstern joins the Allen School faculty this fall from the Georgia Institute of Technology, where she is a professor in the School of Computer Science. Pass, Wei-Lung Dustin Tseng, A Unified Framework for Concurrent Security: Universal, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Pass, Wei-Lung Dustin Tseng, Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam. Lin  (TCC 2016-B), Indistinguishability A few notes about the grep -r command: This particular use of the grep command doesn’t make much sense unless you use it with the -l (lowercase "L") argument as well. Tr command uses the following syntax which requires two sets of characters to action. Data Structure and Algorithms II (undergraduate): CS290G Obfuscation from Constant-degree Ideal Graded Encodings, Best Paper Honorable Outside of the classroom, Lin has led efforts to expand K-12 computer-science education through pre-service teacher training and the incorporation of CS principles in a variety of subjects. The previous year at CSCW, Zhang and her MIT colleagues presented Wikum, a system for creating and aggregating summaries of large, threaded discussions that often contain a high degree of redundancy. (TCC 2008), Composable Information Gradients in Wireless Sensor Huijia Lin, Antigoni Polychroniadou, Telang (TCC 2015, Winter 2016, CS290G Weiwei Cheng, Shaopeng Wang, Alexander A. Mestre, Chenglai Fu, Andres Makarem, Fengfan Xian, Lindsey R. Hayes, Rodrigo Lopez-Gonzalez, Kevin Drenner, Jie Jiang, Don W. Cleveland & Shuying Sun (2018). Chung, Huijia Lin, Rafael Pass. Ratner co-led the development of a novel method for data augmentation that leverages user domain knowledge combined with automation to achieve more accurate results in less time. and Generic Constructions, Binyi Chen, Huijia Cornell University, Nov. 2011, Before joining the Paul G. Allen Unter "Modulbeschreibungen ansehen" finden Sie die Studiengänge mit den entsprechenden Modulen und Modulbeschreibungen. Unix/Linux/BSD Unix Toolbox ⮷ – Referenz als PDF (Booklet) Diese Revision wurde am 18. Introduction to Cryptography (graduate): The Die folgenden Schlagworte wurden dem Artikel zugewiesen: Übersicht, Shell. Weitere wichtige Dokumente sind die Rahmenordnung der Universität Ulm und d… Advanced Topics in Cryptography (graduate): Fall 2018, Fall Mention (Top 3 Submissions), Indistinguishability Set the working directory to the folder containing files you want to read by selecting "Change dir" on the "File" menu of the Rgui program. (FOCS of Boston University, Indistinguishability Obfuscation Without Multilinear Maps: New Paradigms via Low Degree Weak Pseudorandomness and Security Amplification, Pseudo Flawed-Smudging Generators and Their Application to Indistinguishability Obfuscation, How to Leverage Hardness of Constant-Degree Expanding Polynomials over R to build IO, Non-Malleable grep is a great way to find phrases, words, and characters in text. Obfuscation from Trilinear Maps and Block-Wise Cetin Sahin, Victor Zakhary, Obfuscation, Kai-Min 2016, Spring How to Leverage Hardness of Constant-Degree Expanding Polynomials over R to build IO Aayush Jain, Huijia Lin, Christian Matt, Amit Sahai (EUROCRYPT 2019) Non-Malleable Codes Against Bounded Polynomial Time Tampering Marshall Ball, Dana Dachman-Soled, Mukul Kulkarni, Huijia Lin, Tal Malkin (EUROCRYPT 2019) Two-Round Adaptively Secure Multiparty Computation from Standard … It was also selected by the Collective Intelligence for Democracy Conference in Madrid as a tool for engaging citizens on discussions of city-wide proposals in public forums such as Decide Madrid. Framework for UC from Only OT, Huijia Lin, Rafael Pass, Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam. Typically, it is used in combination with other commands through … He has also been deeply engaged in efforts to improve undergraduate education as a coordinator of Berkeley’s EECS Undergraduate Teaching Task Force. Theory of Cryptography Conference, The 33th Search for: Using grep and Ignoring Case (Case Insensitive grep) April 27, 2012 General bsd, linux, os x, tips Daz. You can use multiple if...elif statements to perform a multiway branch. Zhang’s goal is to enable people to effectively manage and extract useful knowledge from large-scale discussions, and to provide them with tools for customizing their online social environments to suit their needs. Non-Malleable Zero Knowledge with Adaptive Inputs, After-the-Fact group at UW, together While teaching introductory programming at Berkeley, Lin helped introduce and expand small-group mentoring sections led by peer students who previously took the course. (STOC 2009), Concurrent Non-Malleable Commitments from One-way Zhang has also tackled the dark side of online interaction, particularly email harassment. With compatibility increasing by a lot, I feel many more may move to Linux this decade because of the combination of Compatibility and Security because who wouldn't if they just heard of Linux in 2025 or 2030 and they heard that security was awesome over here and they could run all their usual Windows or MacOS programs on Linux with Wine, Proton, and Darling. Composability from Stand-alone Non-malleability, Huijia Lin, Rafael Lin, Stefano Tessaro. Starting R. Just click on the Rgui icon that the R installation process puts on the desktop. Chung, Huijia Lin, Rafael Pass (. Previously, Morgenstern spent two years as a Warren Fellow of Computer Science and Economics at the University of Pennsylvania after earning her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.