For creating the containers of Prometheus , create a docker image using Dockerfile so that whenever the container has been launched , Prometheus services launch inside the container Use the following commands to create the Prometheus image. We need to make this storage class default so that Prometheus and Grafana use that storage class without explicitly defining it in their configuration files. Also it is mandatory to attach the ConfigMap resource to this pod. $ kubectl apply -f kubernetes-homelab/grafana/grafana-pvc.yml This is what the code looks like: Setting up Grafana. With the whole setup deployed on top of the private Kubernetes cluster , now its the time for testing. $ helm fetch --untar stable/grafana you can notice that grafana folder will be there in your server directory. We want to keep grafana configuration data and store it on a persistent volume. Run the below mentioned commands to download and start the node exporter software inside the operating system. Stage 1. name: grafana image: kubernetes/heapster_grafana:v2.1.0 ports: containerPort: 3000 hostPort: 3000 env: name: INFLUXDB_SERVICE_URL value: volumeMounts: mountPath: /var name: grafana-storage volumes: name: influxdb-storage source: hostDir: path: /var/lib/monitor/influxdb; name: grafana-storage source: hostDir: path: /var/lib/monitor/grafana — This deployment is exposed so that it can be accessed by the admins. Copy the following content into services.yaml: And both of them should be exposed to outside world. Sample Architecture ⚜️ Problem Statement:. Prometheus. You’re welcome to explore the other Helm Chart options that exists in the official Grafana helm values file, but just like with Loki we’ll just add some rules to make sure we have persistent storage. Ceph Persistent Storage for Kubernetes with Cephfs. Clone the following repository: Step by step instructions. We are using our Kubernetes homelab to deploy Grafana. We can access grafana dashboard by using its service node port 32000. To install Grafana on your cluster with Helm, use the following command: helm install loki-grafana grafana/grafana To get the admin password for the Grafana pod, run the following command: kubectl get secret --namespace loki-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo 1 master nodes. Testing whether the data is persistent or not, Deleting the grafana pod using following command-. Finally the deployment service is provided to the pod so that there is no tension in the downtime or unexpected deletion of the pods. Note: The following datasource configuration is for prometheus. Search the stable grafana package from helm chart. This is post 2 of our kubernetes homelab guide with raspberry pi's and in this post I will demonstrate how to provide persistent storage to your pods by using a persistent volume backed by NFS.. NFS Server. Required fields are marked *, Copyright © 2013-2021 LISENET.COM, All Rights Reserved |. Ceph block devices are thin-provisioned, resizable and store data striped over multiple OSDs in a Ceph cluster. Disabling default storage class for “standard” and making “nfs-client” as default Even after the pod is deleted , since it is a deployment service of the Prometheus the deleted pods are automatically launched by the K8s with the data remaining persistent , older data can be accessed. Volume Snapshots. wget, tar xvfz node_exporter-1.0.0.rc.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz, RUN wget, RUN tar -xzf prometheus-2.19.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz, RUN cp -rf prometheus-2.19.2.linux-amd64/* /ishan, CMD prometheus --config.file=/ishan/prometheus.yml, docker build -t (name of image) (path of Dockerfile), RUN wget, RUN yum install grafana-7.0.6-1.x86_64.rpm -y, ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/grafana-server", "--config=/etc/grafana/grafana.ini", "cfg:default.paths.logs=/var/log/grafana", "", "LimitNOFILE=10000"], Real-time IoT app with React + Firebase + esp8266, Must have VS Code extensions for working with Flutter, Searching and Filtering: Spring Data JPA Specification way, Java performance profiling using flame graphs, Deploy them as pods on top of Kubernetes by creating resources Deployment, ReplicaSet, Pods or Services. As the service used is deployment , the deleted pod is again up. Here the role of ConfigMap resource of the Kubernetes becomes useful. You can first set up an EC2 instance with locally attached storage. This Kubernetes feature is in beta at the time of this writing (Kubernetes v1.13.1). We will also cover ephemeral maintenance tasks and its associated metrics. The end result should look something like this: We will be configuring monitoring and adding Grafana dashboards for our homelab services: Etcd, Bind DNS, HAProxy, Linux servers etc. If you don’t have any persistent storage set up, have a look at Longhorn, a cloud-native distributed block storage for Kubernetes. The PersistentVolume subsystem provides an API for users and administrators that abstracts details of how storage is provided from how it is consumed. Default credentials are admin/admin. Deploy Grafana to your cluster. Note that NFS server configuration is not covered in this article, but the way we set it up can be found here. Now it is up to creating the Kubernetes resources for the Prometheus and Grafana ; It is required to provide persistent storage to the Prometheus pod so as to keep the data permanent. Moving to Grafana , initially creating a dashboard inside with a simple prom query. The yaml file for persistent volume & persistent volume … For example, our Grafana database is currently getting 6.4:1 data reduction. Deploy them as pods on top of Kubernetes by creating resources Deployment, ReplicaSet, Pods or Services 2. Create a Persistent Volume Claim. Storage Classes. Dynamic Volume Provisioning. It sends http requests to target (scrapes) and the response (metrics data) it gets in response gets stored in storage (The time series database “TSDB”). If you have more data sources, you can add Now it is up to creating the Kubernetes resources for the Prometheus and Grafana ; It is required to provide persistent storage to the Prometheus pod so as to keep the data permanent. Moving on to graphana and adding data source. Since we already set the Grafana repository up in the Loki section we can skip right to the creation of our values.yaml file. Using FlashBlade as persistent storage for Prometheus and Grafana can also provide data reduction. 2 w o rker nodes. Our NFS server IP address is, and we have the following export configured for Grafana: The owner:group of the NFS folder is set to 472:472, because of Grafana deployment runAsUser: 472. A working NFS server is required to create persistent volumes. Step 1: Create file named grafana-datasource-config.yaml vi grafana-datasource-config.yaml Copy the following contents. Allow grafana to request persistent storage. ... You can set up your cluster with local SSDs by using Local Persistent Volumes. Grafana Installation on kubernetes using helm. The configured two nodes are up and data is successfully retrieved by the Prometheus. Prometheus needs to be provided with some node exporter software so that Prometheus can collect the metrics whenever required from this exporter software installed inside various operating systems. Download stable grafana package from helm chart. Allow grafana to request persistent storage. Your email address will not be published. Most Kubernetes deployments using Ceph will involve using Rook. Passed AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam (SAA-C02), Active/Passive MySQL High Availability Pacemaker Cluster with DRBD on CentOS 7, Ansible Sample Exam for RHCE EX294 and EX407. YAML file for Grafana. (The default way) Configure Grafana correctly on the first install. We using managed GKE/GCP, so standard storage class is fine, your cloud provider may be different. 2. You can create dashboards on Grafana for all the Kubernetes metrics through prometheus. ... Kubernetes Storage. In this tutorial, we’ll look at how you can create a storage class on Kubernetes which provisions persistent volumes from an external Ceph Cluster using RBD (Ceph Block Device). Persistent Volumes. We should have a couple of dashboards installed already, Kubernetes Cluster Summary and Node Exporter Full. Integrating Prometheus and Grafana on Kubernetes and making their data persistent In this blog I have deployed two monitoring tools namely Prometheus and Grafana on top of Kubernetes. Our Kubernetes manifests files are stored in grafana-deployment.yaml, grafana-pvc.yaml and grafana-service.yaml, respectively. And both of them should be exposed to outside world Create a config map that we will later use to populate a custom grafana.ini file: Configure Grafana dashboards for K8s cluster and node exporter: Create a secret to store our TLS certificates. Integrate Prometheus and Grafana and perform in following way: 2. This whole setup can be created by using a single YAML file. Managing storage is a distinct problem from managing compute. Install the chart initially with a persistent volume configured in the values files for Prometheus. While everything is installing, you can explore a … Optionally, install a dashboard to monitor Kubernetes deployments: Similarly create the Grafana image following the below mentioned commands: It is necessary to provide the details of nodes that are to be managed inside the configuration file of the Prometheus. The main issue solved is that when the pod gets deleted the data is also lost to resolve this I used the PVC feature of kubernetes to make data persistent. Our storage class name is “nfs-client” which is currently not default. Use the commands to build the image and push to the docker hub if required. Grafana doesn't require persistent storage, since it's reading its data out of the InfluxDB database. Integrating Prometheus and Grafana with the container management tool Kubernetes. Adding Dgraph Kubernetes Grafana Dashboard. We can also use a config map to define our initial Grafana configuration like TLS certificates and logging options. Two Kubernetes Services are required to run Grafana Enterprise Metrics as a StatefulSet. The downloaded files of the Prometheus are copied into a separate folder so that they can be edited or managed accordingly without any error. This post aims to demonstrate how to deploy a Grafana high-availability cluster using disk persistence and data storage in a Postgres instance. Provide the PVC to make the data persistent and expose the deployment to make the pod accessible and there is no room for downtime or unexpected failures. CSI Volume Cloning. One of the key requirements when deploying stateful applications in Kubernetes is data persistence. $ helm search grafana 2. For instructions on deploying a Rancher-based Kubernetes cluster using PSO … Thanks @laoshufeifei In order to create the resource, you need something like this (change the provisioner to whatever you use): apiVersion: kind: StorageClass metadata: name: grafana-rwo namespace: monitoring provisioner: allowVolumeExpansion: true reclaimPolicy: Retain parameters: type: pd-standard volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer In order to allow changes to Grafana to persist, make sure to enable persistent storage for Grafana and Prometheus. 1 Getting started with deploying grafana and cloudwatch metric dashboards 2 Getting started with grafana and prometheus for kubernetes metrics. Using Kubernetes PersistentVolumes, we will configure long term metrics storage. Deploying Grafana HA Kubernetes Cluster on … Configuration files used in this article are hosted on GitHub. Configure Grafana to use Prometheus as a data source. In Prometheus the time series collection happens via a pull model over HTTP. The details of the nodes that are to be monitored are mentioned inside this ConfigMap file as given below: ( Here I took 2 nodes with so mentioned IP addresses with the node exporter services running inside the nodes). Lets get started with the setup. Volumes. Integrate Prometheus and Grafana and perform in following way: 1. Even after deleting the pod, the data is persistent and hence the practical is successful. This guide assumes you have a Ceph storage cluster deployed with Ceph Ansible, Ceph Deploy or … Before we went ahead with the installation of the influxdb and grafana, we created the GCE disks for persistence, gcloud compute disks create influxdbdisk grafanadisk --zone us-cenrtral1-a --size=10gi. Configure Persistent storage If you land here , then definitely you are known to Prometheus and Grafana ,Probably you want to Integrate these tools with K8s, or you already deployed them in K8s but finding the way to make the… Kubernetes cluster Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana. Persistent Volumes. Storage Capacity. And make their data to be remain persistent, 3. The final step is creating our Kubernetes objects: kubectl create -f grafana-deployment.yaml -f grafana-pvc.yaml -f grafana-service.yaml Volume Snapshot Classes. Now onto prometheus, enter url given by k8s. To do this we introduce two new API resources: PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim.A PersistentVolume (PV) is a piece of storage in the cluster that has been provisioned by an administrator or dynamically provisioned using Storage Classes. The Pushgateway will be in charge of storing them long enough to be collected by the Prometheus servers. We are going to deploy Grafana to visualise Prometheus monitoring data. First is a service to support GRPC requests between replicas. Before you begin this exercise, you should have a working external Ceph cluster. This makes the Prometheus and Grafana containers easily manageable. Ways to provide both long-term and temporary storage to Pods in your cluster. Your email address will not be published. You can use your Kubernetes environment. 50GB NFS storage attached to worker nodes as a Persistent Volume. 1. Second is a gossip service port to allow the replicas to join together and form a hash ring to coordinate work. It is a resource in th… It does, however, need two configuration files to set up a dashboard provider to load dashboards dynamically from files, the dashboard file itself, a file to connect the dashboard file to InfluxDB as a data source, and finally a secret to store default login credentials. If you don't have a NFS Server running already, you can follow my post on setting up a nfs server. Note that this homelab project is under development, therefore please refer to GitHub for any source code changes. And make their data to be remain persistent 3.