Search. It looks like your browser needs an update. Before starting the test, please write your test number on the top-right hand corner of each page. 0 0 3449 views. Let {M, D} be a metric space. uses include measuring ambient light intensity, differential intensity. Introduction to Computer Science Midterm Sample Questions 1. A narcissistic number is an integer that is equal to the sum of its own digits, each of which has been (8 pts) raised to the power of the total number of digits. Answering this set of questions should be just one part of your preparation for the exam. Course Notes: Slides will be posted on Carmen. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Starvation: A thread is theoretically able to gain access to the shared resource (lock), but practically unable to gain regular access and is unable to make progress. Name: _____ Student ID:_____ Problem Score 1 … ineffecient use of energy due to wheels dragging. Midterm Exam 1 Review. When two gears touch, some energy (is/is not) lost. What happens if you go over the max voltage on a DC motor? 1 (These data are just the captions, not the votes.) COS 445 — Midterm 1 Due online Monday, March 18th at 11:59 pm All problems on this midterm are no collaboration problems. What does Mid Level visual processing machine vision entail? What are the differences between brush and brushless motors? Midterm Practice Questions NAME: _____ LOGIN: _____ Write all of your answers directly on this paper. Type Quiz Book Title Advertising And Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective 10th Edition . Object level locking is mechanism when you want to synchronize a non-static method or non-static code block such that only one thread will be able to execute the code block on given instance of the class. Describe the 4 critical aspects of web services. Press J to jump to the feed. get people sensor. Midterm Exam CSE 232 (Introduction to Programming II) Summer 2019 VERSION 1 ... 445 (c) 991010 (d) 4 (e)It doesn’t compile. - By extending Thread, each of your threads has a unique object associated with it, whereas implementing Runnable, many threads can share the same object instance. a. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 43 terms. spin motor, then stop applying driving current for a short while and measure voltage - this can be used to infer speed. 39 terms. usc university of southern california amin csci computer science robotics midterm 1 Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Midterm 1 Solutions & Rubric. What's the difference between complete and partial autonomy? This should always be done to make static data thread safe. Close. CSE 373 Winter 2012: Midterm #1 (closed book, closed notes, NO calculators allowed) Instructions: Read the directions for each question carefully before answering. 3. How do you tell if a wheel on a multi-wheeled vehicle will drag? View Full Document. Each service involved can communicate with any partners. Start studying CSE 445 Midterm 2. 1 The first is the name of your file (which is minor), while the second is a redundant sentence in the description of the knowledge base. - system is developed in components; to develop the code of the components first, and then to use the components to build the applications, List 3 facts about multi-core architecture, 1. "field of view" of a sonar, typical sonar sensors have 30-degree angular resolution, angle of incidene = angle of reflection (bounces off material), energy is absorbed and re-emitted at broad range of angles, Specular reflection's (weak/strong) but (low/high) chance to return to detector. An endpoint in a service is an operation interface exposed to outside, so that a client can access the operation. Midterm 1. Why are two legged polygon of support difficult to stabilize? Representation/models have a lot to do with how complex a ________ is, Representation/models have a lot to do with how complex a controller is. A thread that is blocked waiting for a monitor lock is in this state. Quantity Symbol (Linear) Unit (Linear) Symbol (Angular) Unit (Angular) Displacement Velocity Acceleration Time 2. How do you use optosensor as a position encoder? This is more likely to occur, when the threads are given priorities, and there are too many threads with high priority. 100 3. 1) Which of the following criteria should be met by … Each correct question is worth 4 points. 3. CSE 8B: Sample Midterm Solution Winter, 2006 Name: _____ Student ID:_____ No books and no calculators are allowed. a central process, which can be a service itself, takes control over the involved services and coordinates the execution of different operations. How many degrees of freedom does a standard sedan have? CSE Midterm 1 Notes. What topics are listed in the course objectives and outcomes? One page of handwritten notes is allowed. Part I: Multiple Choice (72 points) Answer all of the following questions. This repository contains all the assignments/projects from CSE 445. CMPSCI 445 ! Robots are typically divided into two categories. What's the difference between an active and passive sensor? Where are open loop controllers usually used? Fill the correct bubble on your mark-sense sheet. If you need to make an assumption to solve a problem, state the assumption. Home > Quiz > CE 445 Midterm 1. What are the two ways to implement threads in Java? Oh no! What are the pros/cons of hydraulic motors? The "virtual" means here: It does not contain the implementation (code) of the methods. What term means all possible states a system can be in? What are the pros/cons of pneumatic motors? June 17, 2015. Segmentation (divide image into components, Contours, Regions, Not determining objects but determining the components of the image). Please note that the exam will include questions on material not covered by these practice exercises. A deadlock is a situation where two or more competing operations are waiting for the other to finish, and thus neither ever does. 72 terms. what are the xml documentation basic rules. passive sensor for measuring light. Instructions. Software lifecycle 2. 3. Partial autonomy requires human input while complete autonomy requires none, Deliberative robots tend to have (slow/fast) response, (low/high) intelligence, (low/high) representation dependence, slow response, high intelligence, representation dependent, Reactive robots tend to have (slow/fast) response, (low/high) intelligence, (low/high) representation dependence, representation free, real-time response, low-level intelligence, simple computations, More reactive = (slower/faster) response, (less/more) predictive capabilities, (less/more) dependencec on accurate complete world models, More reactive = faster response, less predictive capabilities, less dependencec on accurate complete world models. There will be two in-class midterm exams and a final exam. Diffusive reflections are (weak/strong) but (low/high) chance of bouncing back. Turn in 5 for grading. I have no plans to put extra credit or bonus points on the midterm. brush motors are cheap, have low voltage, and low strength/durability while brushless motors are expensive, run at higher voltages, and have higher torque/durability, Motor speed (is/is not) proportional to induced voltage, Motor torque (is/is not) proportional to applied current. What is the term that means all possible values of sensory readings? Grazing rays generate no reflection. Close. A triple jumper needs a velocity of 9 m/s to make a good jump. Define processes/ tasks according to OS functionality. Math 445, Fall 2009 Midterm Exam Solutions You may use your textbook and class notes, but no other references. (f) 455 (g) 9 (h) 9101010 19.What is wrong with the following code? Show that every continuous real-valued function f: M → R which vanishes on A also vanishes at y. 1. Hey everyone! What is the Action-oriented approach to perception? One of the solutions is to change the priority of threads dynamically. Create. Class level locking prevents multiple threads to enter in synchronized block in any of all available instances on runtime. A client accesses the operations of the services by calling the methods of the proxy. sensing internal properties (Battery, wheel encoders), sensing external properties (vision, range). The ability to perform parts of a program simultaneously. 32.Which of the following expressions is this What does Low level visual processing machine vision entail? Convert the following numbers from binary to decimal. What's a major drawback of omnidirectional steering? CIDSE CSE 445 - Fall 2014 Register Now Project 2 CSE445-598 Fall 2020.pdf. What are two additional informations about movement error? The short answer questions will look like the ones from Quiz 1, the review page, recitation 5, and the key questions for each section. Is there any advice on how to prepare for his exams? Practice Questions for Midterm 1 Question 1 Consider the following truth table: p q r output T T T T T T F F T F T T T F F F F T T F F T F T F F T T F F F F Write a proposition in CNF and DNF forms Question 2 Please negate the following propositions, and simplify them with De-Morgan's Law state of the world,sensed using robot's sensors, eg night/day/at-home/sleeping/sunny, sensed using internal sensors, stored/remembered, eg velocity, mood, Robot's state is the combination of ______. Livelock is a condition that occurs when two or more threads continually change their state in response to the changes of other threads. Section 7 problems 1,3,4; Section 8 problems 2-6. What is a drawback of using a transmission? What is the difference between a servo and a normal DC motor? What are the Visual processing stages in machine vision? Some string manipulation, a little linear algebra. The polygon of support is just a line so hard to stabilize, continuously balanced while walking, at no point is the robot in danger of losing balance, Statically stable walking (can/cannot) turn off power at any time and not have the robot lose balance, 6-legged robots that can lift 3 legs at a time (tripod gait) and remain statically stable. What are photocells and what are they used for? My solutions to CSE 6040 Midterm 1 Problem 4, Bag of words. For this problem, we scraped the voting website to get these submissions, which will serve as your dataset. View the full content. allows movement in 2d plane in almost any direction. If a motor is compliant, what does it mean? It must include address, binding, name, parameters, return type, etc. class proof assignments as well. 3/1/18 - There are two typos on your homework, both on question 3.