Alternative tourism combines tourist products or individual tourist services, different from mass tourism by means of supply, organization and the human resources involved. This ambiguity leads to violations of environmental regulations and standards. Thus, performers of tourist-oriented Voodoo shows in Haiti, do still go into a trance (Goldberg 1983:488); and tourist-oriented prostitutes in Bangkok bring many traditional attitudes towards Thai men into their relationships with tourists (Cohen, ERIK COHEN 383 in press a). Tourism market segmentation is the strategic tool for getting a clear picture of diversity among the tourists. Cohen's theory sought to explain delinquency among particular groups in society (young, working-class males) and non-utilitarian crimes. Plog delineated these types of tourists according to personality-based, psychographic traits along a continuum in a bell-shaped, normally distributed curve. is a platform for academics to share research papers. Crimes like vandalism or fighting can be explained by the subcultures inverting the values of mainstream society, turning socially deviant acts into ones that are praiseworthy and a way of achieving status within the group. 10 Types Of Tourists Locals Love To Hate. Tourist’s Codes of Behaviour 2.4.2. Cohen Erik “The Impact of Tourism on the Physical Environment”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. Cohen’s Classification p.34 2.3.2. Theorists such as MacCannel (1973) and Cohen (1972) state that tourism is a modern quest for authenticity. Tourists can be described as a particular group of tourists based upon their different psychological characteristics. Classification of Tourists p.34 2.3.1. Concepts and Profiles. In general such tourists tend not to stray far from the beach or their hotel. Cohen’s Classification Tourism combines curiosity to seek out new experiences with the need for security of familiar reminders of home seek out new experience Curiosity familiar reminder of home Security ExplorerDrifter Individual mass tourist Organized mass tourist 7. Cohen's approach was promising for better understanding `experiences' in a phenomenological way, but very little happened afterwards with his `modes' either in a theoretical or empirical way. Tourism, the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of the commercial provision of services. Cohen (1972) the sociologist, identified four types of tourists: The organizational Mass tourist who buys tourists packages or all inclusive tours in order to visit classical mass tourism destinations, where everything is predetermined before hand and has a low degree of participation and involvement in the travel search for information. Tourist motivations explain the factors in which influence a tourist to travel. The tourist that dress like… tourists. Cause no one’s ever taken that photo before. According to Cohen’s Classification of Tourists an explorer: I didn’t have any input from a travel agent to help plan this trip. Cohen’s definition also suggests that episodes of panic originate with interest groups, mainly the mass media and other social institutions which deal directly with people, when the opinions and views which they extensively influence create exaggerated concern in society. Tourists with Special Needs p.41 p.41 p.45 p.46 3. Plog’s Classification p.36 2.4.Tourist’s Codes of Behaviour and Other Concerned Issues 2.4.1. It is a product of modern social arrangements, beginning in western Europe in the 17th century, although it … Within the spectrum of psychographic personality types a tourist can either be classified as a dependable or venturer (Plog, 2001). This choice lies in the fact that, since Cohen’s research, the notion of tourist experience has become so commonplace that it ends up precisely covering, as notes Decroly, an infinity of definitions (which for the great majority, it has to be said, position themselves relative to Cohen’s definition). l80 ERIK COHEN as Boorstin does' (ibid. p. 600). TOWARDS A DEFINITION OF TOURISM A number of attempts have been made t.o define tourism and its role in a counlry's or region's development. Anthony Giddens: Konsequenzen der Moderne. They feel that it is not based on any empirical data. A major problem is the lack of a common understanding of what sustainable tourism or “ ecotourism” means. • Cohen (1972) organized tourists into 4 categories: • Organized mass tourists -prefer traveling to popular destinations and comfortable with arranging trip only through help of a travel agent. 2010). Evaluating Cohen. Hence, the environmental problems evolving from tourism are manifold. COHEN’S THEORY In 1972, he developed a theory which is related to the behavior of tourists and classified the typology into four namely: 1. There is no consensus concerning the definition of tourism. Most tourists prefer to explore the destinations from a familiar base. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 2008, ISBN 978-3-518-28895-5. Based on Cohen’s (1972) and Wang’s (2000) definitions, this study will identify relationships among types of tourist, previous experiences of tourism, socio-demographic information, and authenticity in tourism. Tourism has often been described as a.n "invisible export'' bringing fresh rnuney into a country or re9ion. Kevin Hanam, Irena Ateljevic (Hrsg. But, MacCannell himself is very selective in the choice of his observations: his accounts are mostly of young, 'post-modern' (Kavolis, 1970) tourists; Boorstin's thesis may well find more support in a different sample, composed primarily of sedate, middle-class, middle-aged tourists. Crompton (1979) explains that motivation is only one of many contributing factors in which assist with explaining tourist behavior although it is considered a critical factor as it is the "impelling & compelling force behind all behaviour" (Berkman & Gilson, 1978 as cited in Crompton 1979, pg.409). 3 Cohen's Tourist Typology 3 4 Smith's Tourist Typology 4 5 Amex's Tourist Typology 4 6 Plogs Tourist Typology 5 7 Typology Of Tourism 5 8 Types of Tourism 6 9 Term End Questions 7 10. Cohen [15] characterized the tourist experience as a relationship between a modern person and various "centers", which are close to tourist feelings. 2. Back in 1979, Erik Cohen introduced his `modes of tourist experience'. The Definition of Tourism varies source by source, person by person. Cohen (1972) • The organized mass tourist who buys a package holiday to a popular destination and largely prefers to travel around with a large group of other tourists, following an inflexible predetermined itinerary. Travel Motivations and Tourist Flows p.48 3.1. The tourist typology proposed in the model describes the destination characteristics and activities that are preferred by tourists while on vacation. V, No. Figure 1 Purpose of This Study Cohen’s five modes of tourist experience Source: A Dictionary of Travel and Tourism Author(s): Allan Beaver. In 1936, the League of Nations defined a foreign tourist as "someone traveling abroad for at least twenty-four hours". References: – LISA MILLER (2013, October 22). Ex-plor-er [ik-splawr-er, -splohr-] -noun 1. a person or thing that explores. Cohen distinguished tourist using sociological principles into organised mass tourist, individual mass tourists, explorer and drifter. 2, April/June 1978, pp. I plan to explore all the beautiful places these four countries have to offer without a strict, organized itinerary. Cohen’s classification of tourist is based on the theory that tourism combines the curiosity to seek out new experiences with the need for the security of familiar reminders of home. The tourism researchers and the tourism industry use market segmentation information to study the opportunities for competitive advantage in the marketplace. Definitions. The most widely utilised definition of tourism, proposed by the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and United States (UN) Nations Statistics Division (1994), prescribes that in order to qualify as a tourist one must travel and remain in a place outside of their usual residential environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business or other purposes. That was just to name few of the MacCannel(1976) suggests that Western tourists are looking for a sense of authenticity lacking in their home life; abroad, hosts provide this by creating authentic seeming presentations of … ... Access to the complete content on Oxford Reference requires a subscription or purchase. 215–237. [citation needed] Other examples of different terms include "intelligent" or "motivated tourism.”In addition, "anti-tourism" or "participative tourism" are some others. References 7 (Module: II) Typology of Tourists MTTM C- 101: Tourism Principles, Policies and Practices 2| P a g e. 1. Adapted from Tourism and modernity: A sociological analysis, by Wang, 2000, p. 49. Concerned Issues While Traveling 2.4.3. For many tourists, an incomplete and selective character of authenticity seems to be irrelevant as long as it gives impressions of authenticity (Greenwood 1989, Hollinshead 1997, Hall et al. What is Market Segmentation? Definitions of ‘Tourist’ p.31 2.3. According to Cohen's classification of tourists, an explorer: Arrange their trips alone Go somewhere unusual Look for comfortable accommodation and reliable transportation Retain some of the basic routines and … 2. a person who investigates unknown regions: the great explorers of the Renaissance. GeI1erally tourism's potential is seen in terms of its economic contribution. numerous efforts to devise a theoretically fruitful, sociological definition of the 'tourist", begun by German sociologists (Knebel 1960:1-6) and leading to Cohen's (1974) and Leiper's (1979) work, and P. L. Pearce's (1982:28-30) appraisal of touristic taxonomies.