“The range was 241 km (150 mi) with 641 liters (170 gal) of fuel (consumption was 279 liters/100 km or 118.6 gal/mi), total weight 31.8 tons, with a 1.01 kg/cm³ ground pressure. They then decided to design a purpose built fully tracked anti tank gun based on the lower hull of the M4 Sherman tank specifically the M4A2 the M4 Crocodile: British modified M4s along the same lines as the Churchill Crocodile, for the US 2nd Armored Division. I’m currently saving up to go back and shoot their German Pak 40 anti-tank gun. Some pictures seems to show an different colour of American, British and Canadian Armour, i love this website and this is mi favorite tank. The “Easy Eight” had a range of 161 km (100 mi), with a 475 l/100 km (201.94 gal/100 mi) consumption. 2. This series was first introduced in July 1942 and produced until November 1943, to a total of 7499 machines. A Sherman was almost had the same price as a Panther. He served in the Northern Front in British Matildas’ and subsequently on the southern front in Shermans, followed up with the Invasion of the Kuriles. Quel surnom les allemands ont donné au Sherman ? All the best. M4 Sherman, early production vehicle, 32nd Tank Battalion of the 3rd Armored Division, Normandy, 1944. Give ’em a pounding with your Sherman coming through! Throughout his career, Johnson earned numerous recognitions, including the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal with two oak leaf clusters, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, and the Army Meritorious Service Medal. David B Peripheral vision was excellent thanks to five pericopes (one for each crew member), with a 360 degree traverse and vertical tilting. My grandfather drove one during the war so its always been my favorite. It is Panther which is famously unreliable design with overloaded transmission. The performance of the suspension on this particular vehicle proved unsatisfactory, and field maintenance too complex. By 1943-44, the recognition white stars were usually painted black or olive drab in order to mask them to enemy gunners, which used them as an aiming point. In Normandy, many Shermans were also killed because of well-hidden and camouflaged AT guns and tanks, helped by the bocage configuration. Large-scale production and a limited weight (which never really exceeded 36 tons except for a few machines, the average weight being 31-33 tons) helped the large-scale transatlantic shipping of these, despite U-Boot losses. It had a fully cast, rounded upper hull. The 108 mm (4.25 in) thick glacis was at 47 degrees, with large hatches. – TE Moderators. Johnson, the current commander of the Tennessee State Guard, will relinquish command of the State Guard to Brig. Gen. (Tenn.) Juan R. Santiago from Memphis, during a ceremony held at the Tennessee National Guard’s Joint Force Headquarters in Nashville. Specifically for Wittmann, Tiger Tank Marcus Crowper Osprey Publishing ISBN 9781472812940, this includes detail from the Northamptonshire Yeomanry war diary. The Model 1940,1941 and 1942 tanks were armed with the Soviet 76.2 mm Guns of which there were two versions. I was involved with tank procurement (after my first regimental tour) in the very late 1980s and there was another characteristic used in addition to firepower, mobility, and protection. with the M4A3E8 http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/US/Medium/M4/M4A3E8_Germany1945.png ? The M4 Sherman (Main Wikipedia article) Sherman Mk.II, 3rd The King’s Own Hussars, 5th Armoured Brigade, VIIIth Army, Egypt, September 1942. Winning convincingly the Battle For Normandy and all other engagements that followed makes ” the M4 was not successful against German opposition after the close of 1943.” utterly laughable. Complementary data about the M4 on afvdb.50megs.com, Fine large scale M4 photos on the Shadock, A highly comprehensive list of Sherman books & reviews -modeler friendly, Sherman Minutia, tech database (the shadocks), https://panzerworld.com/german-tank-kill-claims, http://www.dupuyinstitute.org/blog/2018/07/23/armor-exchange-ratios-at-kursk/, http://afvdb.50megs.com/usa/m4sherman.html#JUMBO, http://www.toadmanstankpictures.com/restore.htm, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_hZl1bBdJWpdtSUsPJPeNN0qFfYvqliry9DeHyf_Cg0/edit?usp=sharing, http://afvdb.50megs.com/usa/m4sherman.html, http://www.schifferbooks.com/for-want-of-a-gun-the-sherman-tank-scandal-of-wwii-6155.html, http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/US/Medium/M4/M4A3(76)w_HD.jpg, http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/US/Medium/M4/M4A3E8_Germany1945.png, http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/US/Medium/M4/M4A2_med_iwojima_march45.png, http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/US/Medium/M4/M4A2_med_KingKong.png, http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/US/Medium/M4/Sherman_MkIII_3ndCL_yeom.png, http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/US/Medium/M4/M4_Sherman_DWG_amphibious.png, http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/canada/Ram_Cruiser_Tank.php, https://scholars.wlu.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?=https://www.google.com/&httpsredir=1&article=1842&context=cmh, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/12e_r%C3%A9giment_de_chasseurs_d%27Afrique#Seconde_Guerre_mondiale, https://www.facebook.com/groups/360848450751344/, https://m.facebook.com/groups/360848450751344?view=permalink&id=1584909125011931, Batignolles-Châtillon light infantry tank, 5 (commander, driver, co-driver, gunner, loader), Continental R975 9-cyl. But while this historic status was gained partly thanks to its intrinsic qualities, but also due to the sheer numbers in which they were provided, only surpassed by the Soviet Union’s T-34, with a staggering 50,000 total delivered. For infantry support, the Sherman looked ideally suited. The political units have a poor performance record when you get into the detail. The modification range was similar to the M4A2(75)W. The 76 mm (3 in) version, the M4A3(76)W was first introduced in March 1944 and a total of 4500 were delivered until April 1945. It often had air support options when things got to hard for it. I have asked this question to our Sherman expert. Sherman Minutia, tech database (the shadocks). Be sure to comment any corrections, and check back on occasion. I think you might mean ‘New Zealand’ here. It is a historical region which was German and now is Polish, south of Lithuania. It was produced to a total of 8053 until May 1944. In 1940, at 20, he was conscripted and assigned to the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment. On every front, single tank-to-tank engagements against German tanks turned to be generally unfair, especially with the early versions. The 39th Sherman’s description has an error. Your email address will not be published. Sherman Mk.I Hybrid (composite hull) of the 144th RAC, Italy, March 1944. Those who wish to know more might look further online: Also, the Germans sent many of their best tanks and tankers into the Eastern Front, which meant that the number of tanks and the quality of their crews serving on the Western front were far inferior. After the Normady breakout the main thing that held us up were supplies and climate (and Monty). Men do. This is a TINY minor observation but, “for a hap’orth of tar..” etc. Out of an authorised strength of seventy-nine Panthers, it never had more than sixty-six tanks on hand. It was our war time Panther then and unreliable. Just checked out your article on the Ram tank and it is excellent. The standard M1919A4 howitzer was modified and compacted for the task. The shermans never could match the German tanks. I read accounts of some aces were they can shoot Shermans at ease but they can’t outmaneouvre them, they always worried at being out-flanked. The controlled differential comprised a built-in brake steering system, which was controlled by levers. First operational ones appeared in Italy. The T-34 later served as the base for the SU-85. The detachment held the city center until the main brigade forces arrived. Every German 75 gun would destroy every Sherman except the Jumbo at any range it could hit it. Also in Regions were the population welcome the Germans as Liberators from the Stalin Regime (which happens really often, many Russians hate Stalin and hope dies last) People had to learn, they don´t come to help them. Following a painful war experience, the ammo racks and fuel tanks were protected by watery jackets. One of the rare Shermans actually painted sand beige in US Service. Very little evidence that all else being equal was even possible given the gross differences in fielded numbers of Panthers vs Allied Shermans and Russian T-34s yet both the Panther and Tigers racked up an impressive kill ratio against Allied and Russian tanks. If more are, could you add them to your site? Such nomenclature will be added. In the variants section you should add the M4A5 Ram. http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/US/Medium/M4/M4A2_med_iwojima_march45.png These saw action in the latest phases of the conflict in Europe and in the Pacific. NASHVILLE, Tenn. – After nearly 37 years of service, Brig. Even Wikipedia doesn’t list them all. Johnson and his wife Marybeth have three sons. Thanks guys! I at first thought it was going to be a dumbed down shell I’d be firing, but it was the real-deal. It was fed by two tanks totaling 660 l (175 gal) of gasoline, which gave around 195 km of practical range (about 120 miles). Training required few hours and M3 Lee veteran drivers and even gunners had no problems operating the Sherman, thanks to a high level of standardization. Do you have any information about the weight of the M4A3E2 turret ? The M4 had slightly better frontal armour, but inferior gun power. – TE Moderator. Wow, and I thought the Tiger II got bad fuel mileage! Both tanks were sold to other countries after WW2, and some still see service today (those ones have probably been heavily upgraded with modern guns and electronics). The driver sat on the left of the front of the hull, while the driver assistant sat on the right, firing a ball mounted cal.30 (7.62 mm) machine-gun. potential is about the same and sometimes better (remember its early days for HEAT and it was not yet 100% consistent). Furthermore the long travel independent torsion bar suspension of the German tanks kept the Wheels forcing the track on the ground further reducing ground pressure over uneven and challenging ground. It’s rather hard to find such data. performance. Nowadays the German tanks are often called synonymously for an unstoppable force, which is not true as we all know, in fact it was the Russian steam drum which could really not be stopped in WW2. Their narrow build also helped them cross narrow streets, bridges and forested areas as well, but most of all, helped transportation by rail, therefore improving their mobility. If your research is as good as your spelling, you’ll do fine. The Russians were the most prolific “customers” of this version, but they didn’t like it either, because of the sensitive engine and relatively light armor. Reference Maybe not a popular one, but considering the actual logistical and tactical situation, making and modifying a proven weapons system rather than deploying a tank still in development was the wise thing to do, as the reliability and ease of maintenance meant the Sherman could prove a vital component of the American combined arms system. The offer a wide range of diecast military vehicles, aircraft and figures from both WWII and Modern time periods. This conformed to what was then British military doctrine which called for a “cruiser” style tank. The gearbox was spicer, manual, synchromesh, with 5 forward gears (plus overdrive), one reverse. Sherman V (M4A4) of the 2nd Armored Brigade, Irish Guards, Operation Goodwood, June 1944. There are copious original source records extent and readily available that prove it historically. Of these thirty-five days, the battalion faced intense combat for twelve. 188 were built. 5:1 loses when the Shermans went head to head against the Panther is the historical record. I am the Squadron Commander for the Sons Of American Legion / Post # 463 in South Boardman, MI. He has some very interesting things to say about the combat functionality of the Sherman and the T34. Out of all the tanks they had T-34-85, leopard tanks, Chieftan, Scorpion, and a few others I’m having trouble recalling the Sherman had the most room in the interior for the crew. Northern Front, fall 1943. Gen. (Tenn.) Craig Johnson, the Tennessee State Guard’s Commander. By 1940, Great Britain had found itself desperately short on tanks. Numbers won WWII. Production of the regular M4A1 totaled 6281 machines until December 1943, but it was replaced by the M4A1(76)W, which received a more recent 76 mm (2.99 in) M1 main gun. They also usually had other issues that brought down their usefulness (Tiger 1 was prone to track breakage, the Panther had weak side armor, the Tiger 2 had an overloaded suspension and an underpowered engine, and the Jagdtiger had numerous mechanical issues). Hunnicutt mentions that the M4A3E2 weighed, combat loaded, 84000 pounds, but no mention on the turret alone. He was trained as a civil engineer. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The tracks of the M3 were to be one of the weak points they had large square like pads that had no gripping power._early M4 Shermans used the same track. A characteristic episode: the first to Vienna, overcoming 100 kilometers, a number of barricades and resistance centers, on April 9, 1945, the Shermans (M4A2 (76) W) of the 1st battalion of the 46th Guards Tank Brigade of the 9th Guards Mechanized Corps of the 6th Tank Army.