1 “Do not put any other gods in place of me. EntryPlay suitable music as everyone enters. Get our emails *First two weeks free. More and more bad things kept happening and everyone was feeling rotten by the end. As we went through the kids were able to figure out the first four commandments of the 10 commandments are about God. (Titus 1:2) God calls us not to steal or envy because He graciously gives us what we need. [Watch 10 Commandments video below] This can involve repetition, humor, making a game of it and perhaps offering a reward. Help us to follow these rules to keep us and others safe and happy, even when we are tempted not to. An education authority in California has backed down over its plans to display the Ten Commandments in schools - after it was sued by a civil liberties group. Here are some tips for teaching the 10 Commandments. 5. this was easy to use and adaptable. When Moses was leading his people to live in their new land, he walked up to the top of a mountain and came down with a new set of rules from God for them to all follow. According to the Bible, Moses led the Jewish people out of slavery in Egypt towards the Promised Land. When Jesus himself was asked what was the sum total of the commandments, he replied, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. These are known as the Ten Commandments.Explain that the short video they are now going to watch imagines what it would have been like if Moses vlogged about his meeting with God and posted the video to his social media channel. Download / print the assembly framework ready for use. Introduce the word CONSEQUENCE. Can they think of any other rules either in school or out of school that are written to protect us from getting hurt? Compare with their own lists. According to the Bible, Moses led the Jewish people out of slavery in Egypt towards the Promised Land. Chorus:Every day’s a good dayWhen we keep the golden rules.Then we’ll get on in a good wayWith everyone at school!Show respect for one anotherAnd different points of view,And take good care of each otherIn everything we do. Peace out!'. Wednesday, 24 November, 1999, 12:21 GMT. What about more general rules for living? Peace out!'. Tes classic free licence. 5. stobhill. If the kids were older I would have talked about the order God put them in, why did God put “Put God first” as the first of the 10 Commandments? 15p . Moses describes each of the commandments in turn and goes on to reveal that God actually gave him 613 commandments so there are still another 603 to vlog about! Ten Commandments schools back down. Six animated Bible Stories with a twist - each is told in a pop culture format, such as: Samson as a Marvel movie; Moses and the Ten Commandments as if he were an influencer on a Youtube channel; The Feeding of the 5000 as if it's a TV cooking show competition. Resources: the assembly framework to download / print (pdf); an image of Moses on Mount Sinai from the video. Play the video. Another child was talking when they should have been listening - which resulted in their friend not hearing what they were meant to be doing and not completing their work. IntroductionAsk what everyone thinks about rules. KS2. One version can be found in the Book of Exodus of the Bible.Another version can be found in the Book of Deuteronomy.In the Book of Exodus, the mountain where they were given is called Mount Sinai, the Book of Deuteronomy talks about Mount … The best-known of these commandments are the. He says that God gave him ten commandments - or rules to live by - written on stone tablets. Introduction to the 10 commandments and diamond nine activity. The commandments exist in different versions. (Take suggestions of rules that we are expected to follow: at school, at home, at work, when playing football, in government meetings, or in shops. Slideshows - The feature film A Short Film about. (Take suggestions of rules that we are expected to follow: at school, at home, at work, when playing football, in government meetings, or in shops. report. What do pupils understand by it? Either in school at home or in the world. Standing up for what is right; the Bible story of Esther and Mordecai; Purim. Use this fantastic 10 commandments PowerPoint to help introduce your kids to the Ten Commandments and begin to learn each one. Designed by teachers, each slide of the 10 Commandments PowerPoint comes with a colourful illustration to help visual learners associate commandments with images, including key commandments like 'You shall not steal' and 'you shall … Which ones might this apply to? Put God first. 1. The Ten Commandments, or Decalogue, are rightly revered and practiced by those of Judeo-Christian heritage. You can find the same article as a blog post on the Sunday School Zone Blog. Reviews. A primary school assembly, most suitable for pupils aged 7 - 11, retelling the story of 'Moses and the 10 Commandments'. The Ten Commandments are a fundamental set of rules. Obeying God’s laws (the Ten Commandments) is a key principle in how we will inherit the heavenly kingdom. He said, “I am the Lord your God. The clip starts with scenes in the synagogue, and each of the commandments is presented in a lively fashion by children on a football field. Additionally, four volunteers to play a game called 'Consequences'. The feature film version of Krzysztof Kieslowski 's sixth commandment, A Short Film … BBC Teach Pop Culture Bible Stories. Purpose: Use this children's sermon about the Ten Commandments to teach kids that God's rules help keep us safe and happy. Use your usual form of address ('Dear God', 'Lord', 'Close your eyes and reflect', etc) and: Thank you that we have people who care enough about us to make rules for our lives. 2 These are known as the. God reveals His holy and loving character through the commandments. Videotape CNN or Australian TV. )What might happen if we do not follow the rules? Calendar - Shot through yellow and green filters to heighten the disturbing mood, Krzysztof Kieslowski 's film unsparingly witnesses two killings. This article PDF is aimed at interpreting the 10 Commandments for kids. The Ten Commandments are a series of religious and moral imperatives that are recognized as a moral foundation in several of the Abrahamic religions, including Catholicism. The 10 commandments visuals are the same as the student workbooks, but the teacher's visuals are a full page. AudioVideo. Includes a song / reflection and/or prayer. The Bible says that God gave them to the people of Israel. It refers to both Christianity and Judaism. “May you live to introduce him to study [the Torah], marriage, and good deeds” was once a common wish expressed by friends whenever a son was born to Jewish parents. great discussion point for year 2. awura. Rules are often there for our own good and not following them can result in others also getting into trouble. (Take suggestions. 5. Got a bit better at helping,Got a bit better at care,Got a bit better at friendship,Learning how to share.We will all grow a bit daily,Can’t believe how the time flies,See the change as we move onward,When we really try. (Do not worship any other god - just God), What is the final tip that Moses relates - Tip 10? 7 … Year 1 The Ten Commandments KS1 . Divide them into more obvious, easy to keep rules such as 'don't commit murder' and others that are more difficult or don't seem quite as bad, eg 'don't want things someone else has got'. For the Jews, the Torah sets out the laws, or rules, of how God wants them to live. Ask everyone to turn to their partner and try and remember as many of the 10 Commandments as they can. Opportunity to singSuggestions for songs below. Both were unhappy. When asked which commandments, He listed five of the 10 Commandments, the commands to not murder, commit adultery, steal or bear false witness, along with the command to honor father and mother. KS2. And you will be modeling love and respect for these young minds when you take time to consider what they need to know, how you can help them best to know it, and how you can demonstrate it in your own life every day. Find out when new primary teaching resources are added . Additionally, four volunteers to play a game called 'Consequences'. Themes: Rules; rights and responsibilities; consequences of actions; Moses. They can also be used for bulletin boards, etc. (Matthew 7:11). (The notes for … The Columbine gun attack prompted the display of the Ten Commandments. The little boy was rude to the girl which made her mad. ExitListen to the music again and think about the rules that Moses brought down from the mountain. The Commandments (1) Do not teach English. Philosophical - Discuss how important (or not) the rules are, and why. Our Father wants us to look like Him. When they had arrived at Mount Sinai God spoke to Moses and Moses received the, . She stole from the man who missed the bus and said a bad word. 2 years ago. This is the final installment in a 5-part series on the life & ministry of Moses. Memorize the short form of the commandments along with your kids. Explain that often, if rules are not followed, there could be a negative consequence and this can lead to more and more upset. Can they work in groups to come up with five or ten rules for life? ), What might happen if we do not follow the rules? The record of the Ten Commandments can be found in the Bible, both in Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. BBC Teach commissioned us to tell six animated, classic Bible Stories in a unique way that appeals to 7 - 11 year olds. The story of Moses and the 10 Commandments is from Exodus 20: 1 - 17. We’re learning to be kind like everybody should. Moses and the Jewish people are on their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land when Moses goes to speak with God near the summit of Mount Sinai. That creeping theocracy results in a monument to the Ten Commandments being offered pride of place at the Oklahoma State Capitol building in Oklahoma City. 3. Songs. Chorus:Every day’s a good dayWhen we keep the golden rules.Then we’ll get on in a good wayWith everyone at school!Show respect for one anotherAnd different points of view,And take good care of each otherIn everything we do.And take good care of each otherIn everything we do. videos, The Torah and Abraham's search for a wife for his son. Bring in any expatriate Anglophone in town and have him chat with the students. That is the land where you were slaves. Our take? Just as a soccer or baseball game has rules— Thou shall swing at strikes; Thou shall stay on sides when playing forward in soccer —so too, does a faith-filled life. Write them down and stick them up at the front. 6. Teach something, anything, ... For example: Record the news from the VOA or the BBC. BBC Teach – Good Samaritan and Lost Sheep; Week 31 Buddha Day CBeeBies – Wesak; Week 32 Cost the Earth Save the planet in a day; United Nations World Environment Day; Rabbi and the Carob Tree; Week 33 Shavuot. Anulka1979. In Polish with English subtitles. The best-known of these commandments are the Ten Commandments - but their are actually 613 of them, covering all aspects of life. As described in the Old Testament books Exodus and Deuteronomy, the Commandments form part of a covenant offered by God to the Israelites to free them from the spiritual slavery of sin. Opportunity for reflectionClose your eyes and think of all the rules that there are in our lives.Can you see how those rules are written to guide us to making the right choices and protect us from being hurt..?Think of a rule you find hard to follow.Think about how you can change your mindset to focus on seeing the value of that rule - and following it in the future. Do they think rules are needed, or are they just annoying and get in the way? In fact, the very essence of Judaism is found in the triad of God, Torah, and Israel. 7. The Bible tells a story of a man called Moses (they may have heard of him in Egypt with the plagues and the parting of the Red Sea). If there is time, watch the video again and try and spot the consequences of the people’s actions. All Scripture: Exodus 20 Needed: two toy cars and anything else you can add to the scene below, such as a toy stop sign or police officer Children's Sermon: … Tomek, an inhibited 19-year-old, is infatuated with the worldly. The clip focuses on the Ten Commandments and explains why these are found within both the Bible and the Jewish Torah. Read More ⇨ Verse 1:They’re all there for a reason,So everything is cool,And every day’s a good dayWhen we keep the golden rules! report. - but their are actually 613 of them, covering all aspects of life. The Ten Commandments were written by God upon two tablets of stone and then given to Moses on Mount Sinai. Lesson 4 - The Ten Commandments (cards) Buy / … Acceptance; compassion; caring for all; the life of Jesus. Watch the clip. Magda. Create your own Ten Commandments for 2008 Write what you think may help people to get on better with each other. The 10 Commandments should be a foundational aspect of that teaching. 5. The Ten Commandments show us what God is like. We’re learning to be kind like everybody should. 8. Yet there is a way to present the Ten Commandments in a positive way that will make a lasting impression on your students. Lesson 10: The Ten Commandments are summed up in the two greatest commandments. KS2. I brought you out of Egypt. Everyone can make a difference; every little helps; the life of Jesus. 4.8. grannymil. The duration is 4' 44" and the final words are: '... 603 to go! This printable lesson plan is designed to teach preschool aged children the 10 Commandments.It could be used in any setting with children age 2-5 at church, including a preschool Sunday School class or … BBC Teach. KS2 ... (10) Do not teach. Festivals - BBC Teach > School Radio > Assemblies > New > Moses and the 10 Commandments - Vlog #1, SMSC - report. Summary: The story of Moses and the 10 Commandments is from Exodus 20: 1 - 17. (Take suggestions. Do they think rules are needed, or are they just annoying and get in the way? Because the 10 Commandments are broad life principles, they are not difficult to understand or teach to children. Judaism 101 – Shavuot; The Ten Commandments song; Sesame Street – Shavuot; Week 34 – Ruth. But Catholics maintain that the Decalogue can be honored by all peoples and citizens of a country because it is natural law and not just revealed law. God calls for His people to speak the truth because God cannot lie. Part 1 of the 10 Commandments: the first 4. Chorus:We’re learning to be kind like everybody should,All of us are trying to be children who are good...oh yes! I am the God who saves. (Do not get envious of your neighbour's house), How many 'Top Tips' does Moses say God has given him in total? To present each of them in pop culture formats: Samson as a Marvel movie; Moses and the Ten Commandments as if he were an influencer on a Youtube channel; The Feeding of the 5000 as if it's a TV cooking show competition; Ten Commandments (NIrV) Exodus 20:1-17 (real version) 10 Commandments for Kids (paraphrase in simple terms) – Here are all the words God spoke. KS1 The Ten Commandments . Close your eyes and think of all the rules that there are in our lives. When they had arrived at Mount Sinai God spoke to Moses and Moses received the torah - usually translated as law. Both were unhappy. Explain that the video also shows the consequences of actions. Rules; rights and responsibilities; consequences of actions; Moses. 2 years ago. ), Explain that lots of religions have rules to follow, and Judaism and Christianity are no exception. Can you see how those rules are written to guide us to making the right choices and protect us from being hurt..? All of us are trying to be children who are good...oh yes! Lesson 4 - The Ten Commandments (lesson plan) Buy / Subscribe. Frameworks - Explain that the short video they are now going to watch imagines what it would have been like if Moses vlogged about his meeting with God and posted the video to his social media channel. If MOSES were alive today and journeying to Mount Sinai, how would h... e present the 10 COMMANDMENTS to his followers? How many of the rules do pupils think are relevant to them today? The Ten Commandments are a set of rules or laws. How long does Moses say he was on Mount Sinai talking with God ('Forty days and forty nights'), What is the first commandment - or 'Top Tip 1'? How does it help religious people to have rules given to them? A possible suggestion is, Ask what everyone thinks about rules. Slide 4 The 10 Commandments Which ones do you think are the most sacred? Got a bit better at reading,Got a bit better at sums,Got a bit better at writing,Just like all my chums.Got a bit better at music,Got a bit better at sport,Got a bit better at painting,All the things we’re taught. Ask for 4 volunteers and give each a sign to hold up: The first one says 'I shouted out an answer in class'; the second 'I kicked my friend in the back'; the third 'I talked to my friend instead of listening to the teacher'; the fourth 'I didn’t do my work'. Read about our approach to external linking. The Bible tells a story of a man called Moses (they may have heard of him in Egypt with the plagues and the parting of the Red Sea). Verse 2:There are rules for playing every sportAnd every kind of game,To get along togetherWe need rules just the same! Afterwards Moses relates what happened in his most recent vlog to his channel. A possible suggestion is 'In the Hall of the Mountain King' by Edvard Grieg. Commandments shows the appalling brutality of murder. Explain that the first person didn’t follow the rules and made the wrong choice - which resulted in their friend getting angry and kicking them - which is also not following the rules. 5. This clip would fit into a unit on how sacred texts are important to religious people and how they relate to the everyday lives of followers. Read about our approach to external linking. Via his Youtube channel of course! He then kissed another man’s wife and was found out. Judaism Videos - When Moses was leading his people to live in their new land, he walked up to the top of a mountain and came down with a new set of rules from God for them to all follow. Creative Commons "Sharealike" Reviews. How to Teach the Ten Commandments to Your Children. The Ten Commandments are a fundamental set of rules. Think about how you can change your mindset to focus on seeing the value of that rule - and following it in the future. Imagine road systems, sports or a classroom without rules. How many of the rules do pupils think are relevant to them today? 2. The duration is 4' 44" and the final words are: '... 603 to go! Jesus taught this, Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven (Mt 5:19) . Give reasons for why you think your commandments are important. The videoPlay the video. The fifth in this series of dramas inspired by the Ten. )Explain that lots of religions have rules to follow, and Judaism and Christianity are no exception. As she entertains her lovers Tomek spies on her through a telescope. The 10 Commandments Author: tcsc Last modified by: Pitchford Created Date: 10/18/2004 11:54:43 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles: Arial Wingdings Ripple The 10 Commandments What is the story behind the 10 commandments? Suitable for Collective Worship. Ask pupils to write down as many of the commandments as they can remember. The 10 Commandments…. Teaching the Ten Commandments to kids really shouldn’t happen just once—you can point out how people are following God’s good rules all year round! Explain that rules are created for many reasons, but one reason is to protect people from getting hurt. Watch our final animated #bible Story made for BBC Teach https://bbc.in/3iDbEib #KS1 #KS2 #RE #judaism #christianity See More (613), Play suitable music as everyone enters. from the video. Ask pupils what the world would be like without rules. 8 months ago. Includes a song / reflection and/or prayer. A primary school assembly, most suitable for pupils aged 7 - 11, retelling the story of 'Moses and the 10 Commandments'. Opportunity for prayerUse your usual form of address ('Dear God', 'Lord', 'Close your eyes and reflect', etc) and:Thank you that we have people who care enough about us to make rules for our lives.Help us to follow these rules to keep us and others safe and happy, even when we are tempted not to.Amen. The Bible story of Moses and the 10 Commandments is retold - with a twist. The clip starts with scenes in the synagogue, and each of the commandments is presented in a lively fashion by children on a football field. Discuss how important (or not) the rules are, and why. More specifically about how we love God. Listen to the music again and think about the rules that Moses brought down from the mountain. Ten commandments 'advert' ban remains Religion and education are meant to be separate in the US The Ten Commandments cannot be put on display in school sports grounds, even if they are presented within an "advertisement", the Supreme Court in the United States has ruled. He also added the summary statement, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” ( verses 18-19 ).