Tevet 5770/December 2009 BY SETH GOLDSWEIG LESSON AT A GLANCE Shalom Aleikhem is a popular song sung on Friday night. Not working on Shabbat in order to emulate G-d who rested on Shabbat. Divide your class in half. 81-92, Kushner pp. 673-680 1. The text of Bereshit 1-2:3 is available in English and Hebrew in the appendix in lesson 1. combined Shabbat-holiday party, but the children should somehow get the message of the centrality of Shabbat. Spiritual and physical renewal. It is a day of rest in remembrance of the way G-d rested on the 7th day of the first week in which God created the world. “A Jew who feels a real tie with the life of our people throughout the generations will find it utterly impossible to think of the existence of the Jew without the Shabbat. Appreciation for the plan of nature. Key Thought : Christ made the Sabbath as a time for mental, physical, and spiritual refreshing. Watch video, read lesson or listen podcast. We have included nine teacher lesson plans to be taught as a complete syllabus on Shabbat or be kept as a resource when teach ing different topics. Ask class members to share a thought on what the most important point in this text is. 92-106, Telushkin pp. Invitation to Judaism – Lesson Plan – Shabbat Rabbi Steven Morgen, Congregation Beth Yeshurun Reading: Robinson, pp. 3. Digital Stories & Lessons Plans Designed for 3rd - 4th Graders in Jewish Day Schools and Religious Schools. It is a time when we refrain from secular work and focus on our rela-tionship with God and with one another. Worked well with my class and they enjoyed sharing and singing at the end. Bruce N. Cameron, J.D. Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy is one of the basic 10 Commandments, but sometimes it's hard to know what you can do on the Sabbath and still keep it holy. He is the Reed Larson Professor of Labor Law at Regent University School of Law. Read latest Sabbath school lesson for this week. Challah is not necessary, I used a fresh loaf with a plaited effect. Latest Lessons. Pick someone to read aloud these facts about Shabbat. The suggested age for the program is 7 -9 years. In this lesson, students continue to study Bereshit 1-2:3 closely, looking for literary parallels and patterns, and learn about the godliness of creation and the importance of Shabbat. Shabbat begins on Friday evening at sunset and concludes on Saturday evening when three stars are in the sky, often marked by the ritual of Havdalah. [Lesson Plan for The Sabbath September 8, 2014] 1. Professor Cameron has devoted his life to promoting the Gospel and defending believers. An erev Shabbat (Friday evening) ritual that is both simple and beautiful is to light candles to “usher in” the Sabbath and set it apart from the weekday world. 2. Shabbat Around the World is available on an individual story-lesson plans unit basis.Every story is accompanied by a minimum of 4 out-of-the-box lesson plans – two of which are always an unusual story discussion and a mapping activity. Here are some possible ideas for Sabbath Day activities. The Friday night Shabbat service begins with Kabbalat Shabbat. Procedure. Have a volunteer read Matthew 12:10-12. a. ,Ium¦n) A commandment. Themes 1. 5. mitzvot) Lesson Plan SET INDUCTION (5–10 MINUTES) 1. Each lesson plan is aimed at this age group . b. a«Is¨e Hebrew for “holy.” kadosh v²um¦n(pl. mitzvah (pl. Plenty of questioning during the meal kept them focussed and it's amazing how excited children get about bread! 1. The modules can also be adapted to be used from age s 6 – 11 and the lesson plans indicate how to Immediately after lighting candles, special blessings are said over the wine or grapejuice, the challah, and in many families, over the children as well. Shabbat sundown on Friday night and continuing through Saturday night. Kabbalat Shabbat is a collection of Psalms and an additional poem called Lekhah Dodi. is the author of these Sabbath School lesson study outlines. 4. It is Straight forward lesson plan. What is the principle that we … Continue reading --> Dignity of all living creatures.