We believe that the needs of those who depend upon these programs, particularly the elderly, can be better served, especially when a Republican Administration cracks down on fraud and abuse so that program monies can be directed toward those truly in need. We applaud the mutual efforts of labor and management to improve the quality of work life. The grim evidence is manifested in jobs lost as a direct consequence of bankrupt economic policies which have fostered this recession. The growth of Soviet military power poses a direct threat to the petroleum resources of the Persian Gulf now that its military forces deployed in Afghanistan are less than 300 miles from the Straits of Hormuz, through which half the free world's energy supplies flow. Just as there can be no single monolithic consumer viewpoint, so the Republican Party opposes the funding of special self-proclaimed advocates to represent consumer interests in federal agency proceedings. As the disparity between American and Soviet strategic nuclear forces grows over the next three years, most U.S. land-based missiles, heavy bombers, and submarines in port will become vulnerable to a Soviet first-strike. Neither Hispanics nor any other American citizens should be barred from education or employment opportunities because English is not their first language. Decisions about who gets welfare, and how much, can be better made on the local level. Increased emphasis must he placed on the importance of having a well-balanced national transportation system where highways, passenger vehicles, buses, trucks, pipe-lines, and rail, water, and air transportation each provide those services which it does best, while offering the widest range of reasonable choices for both passenger and freight movement. Republicans recognize the unique danger presented to our ally, South Korea. We seek improvements in health care, education, housing, and opportunities for youth. We believe the right of citizens to keep and bear arms must be preserved.  Republicans believe in smaller government with fewer regulations. The budget cuts imposed by Mr. Carter on the Army and his restoration of the supremacy of systems analysis in the Pentagon have resulted in slowdowns, deferrals, and cost increases in nine vitally needed Army procurement programs in armor, firepower, air defense, and helicopters. And you can too! No failure of the Administration has been so catastrophic as its failure of leadership. Our goal is to bring a just and lasting peace to the Arab-Israeli conflict. However, if necessary, the Republican Party will seek to adopt a Constitutional amendment to limit federal spending and balance the budget, except in time of national emergency as determined by a two-thirds vote of Congress. Poverty is defined not by income statistics alone, but by an individual's true situation and prospects.  All but a handful of Republican lawmakers voted in favor of the Act. Republicans are united in a belief that America's international humiliation and decline can be reversed only by strong presidential leadership and a consistent, far-sighted foreign policy, supported by a major upgrading of our military forces, a strengthening of our commitments to our allies, and a resolve that our national interests be vigorously protected. Mass transportation offers the prospect for significant energy conservation. They have encouraged equal opportunity hiring practices within their own industries and have built nonprofit, self-supporting training centers where the products produced during training are sold to support the programs. But we will redefine and broaden the debate by transcending the narrow terms of government and the individual; those are not the only two realities in America. Its timeless strength, coupled with and reinforced by the faith and good will, the wisdom and confidence of the people from whom it derives its powers, has preserved us as a nation of enormous vitality. By 1990, we anticipate that 51 percent of the population will be women, and there will be approximately 57 million in the work force. The detailed analysis that must form the intellectual basis for elaboration of such a strategy will be the first priority of a Republican Administration. In order to assist the record number of young families who wish to become home buyers, we propose to implement a young family housing initiative, which would include several elements such as: urban homesteading, savings and tax reforms, and innovative alternate mortgage instruments to help meet monthly payment requirements without federal subsidies. We oppose subsidies, tariff and non-tariff barriers that unfairly restrict access of American products to foreign markets. Unlike the Democrats, we do not advocate new federal bureaucracies with ominous power to shape a national family order. As the Party of Lincoln, we remain equally and steadfastly committed to the equality of rights for all citizens, regardless of race. We pledge to reduce it. Numerous gun control bills in Congress were thwarted by previous Republican majorities, and smaller successes have been mostly limited to state legislatures, such as … This innovative program is locally administered, returns property to the tax rolls, and develops new ownership and stability within our neighborhoods. We will: Increase net farm income by supporting and refining programs to bring profitable farm prices with the goal of surpassing parity levels in a market-oriented agricultural economy; Control inflation by adopting sound fiscal and monetary policies and by eliminating excessive and unnecessary federal regulations; Expand markets at home by effectively utilizing the advantages of the energy potential for farm, forestry, and other biomass products. Better coordinate federal efforts with local and state social welfare agencies and strengthen local and state administrative functions. This Administration's active assault on military benefits and military retirement has been accompanied by an enforced pay-cap set at half the inflation rate. Republicans pledge to strengthen America's presence abroad by well-constructed programs of military assistance to promote national and regional security. Today there are more black Americans unemployed than on the day Mr. Carter became President. We therefore support Congressional initiatives to remove those provisions of the Gun Control Act of 1968 that do not significantly impact on crime but serve rather to restrain the law-abiding citizen in his legitimate use of firearms. The sovereignty, security, and integrity of the State of Israel is a moral imperative and serves the strategic interests of the United States. Republicans recognize the very special sacrifice of those who have served in our nation's armed forces. Our country has made spectacular gains in health care in recent decades. A Republican Administration will seek to improve U.S. Intelligence capabilities for technical and clandestine collection, cogent analysis, coordinated counterintelligence, and covert action. Specifically, we support immediate action to: Provide for an increase in military pay targeted in particular toward the career grades now experiencing the greatest attrition; Increase enlistment and reenlistment bonuses; Improve continuation bonuses for aviators; Increase the allowance for moving mobile homes; Provide family separation allowances for Junior personnel; and. We will reform the patent laws to facilitate innovation and we will further this goal by encouraging a greater share of federal research and development be done by small businesses. We understand and sympathize with the plight of America's public school teachers, who so frequently find their time and attention diverted from their teaching responsibilities to the task of complying with federal reporting requirements. The inflation policies of the Carter Administration have been inconsistent, counterproductive, and tragically inept. In pursuing its objectives, the Soviet Union and its surrogates operate by a far different set of rules than does the United States. Here we see the need for increased access to care, especially for older veterans. The principal consideration should be whether or not extending assistance to a nation or group of nations will advance America's interests and objectives. America's transportation system must be designed to meet the requirements of the people, not to dictate what those requirements should be. It would be a mistake to think that the whole of the Republican Party was of one mind when it comes to every aspect of the gun control issue.  To some degree, the conservative stance on the Second Amendment has been forged by cultural influences.  Most Democrats believe that effective law enforcement can be enhanced when the existing background check system is strengthened. Unfortunately, Mr. Carter and the Democratic Congress seek to derail our nation's money creation policies by taking away the independence of the Federal Reserve Board. Republicans recognize the fundamental importance of Mexico and restoration of good working relations with that country will be of highest priority. We believe that agricultural embargoes are only symbolic and are ineffective tools of foreign policy. The unremitting delegation of authority to the rule-makers by successive Democratic Congresses and the abuse of that authority have led to our current crisis of overregulation. We call for the immediate lifting of this embargo. How do they survive with the present rate of inflation? The Democrats are now trying to stop inflation with a recession, a bankrupt policy which is throwing millions of Americans out of work. The highest home mortgage interest rates in the history of the United States have depressed housing starts to the lowest level since World War II. Republicans pledge to reverse Mr. Carter's dismantling of U.S. naval and Marine forces. This enactment will enable the new state of Puerto Rico to stand economically on an equal footing with the rest of the states and to assume gradually its fiscal responsibilities as a state. The truths we hold and the values we share affirm that no individual should be victimized by unfair discrimination because of race, sex, advanced age, physical handicap, difference of national origin or religion, or economic circumstance. This is so because most people who agree with Republican views on gun control consider government policy to be invasive if it interferes with the Constitutional rights of gun owners. While reemphasizing our commitment to Israel, a Republican Administration will pursue close ties and friendship with moderate Arab states. The Republican Party recognizes that the achievement of those standards is possible only to the extent that teachers are allowed the time and freedom to teach. As champions of the free enterprise system, of the individual, and of the idea that the best solutions to most problems rest at the community level, Republicans must find ways to meet this, the working woman's need. While Republican efforts have been focused on sharing revenue and the power that goes with it, the Carter Administration has been preoccupied with the reorganization and consolidation of central authority. ... and other Republican politicians for failing to take action on gun control ... example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'gun control.' Republicans pledge to reform and rebuild U.S. military assistance and foreign arms sales policies so that they will serve American interests in promoting regional security arrangements and the individual defense needs of friendly nations. Peace between Israel and its neighbors requires direct negotiations among the states involved. Not only has the Democratic Congress failed to control spending, but in the last 10 years federal credit assistance programs have soared out of control. We believe it is necessary to resume rapid filling of strategic oil reserves to planned levels of 500 million barrels in the short-term and ultimately to the one billion barrel level and to ensure that non-contiguous ares of the United States have their fair share of emergency oil reserves stored within their respective boundaries, as authorized by the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. We have offered legislation to reimburse small businessmen who successfully challenge the federal government in court. We will propose methods of providing alternative intelligence estimates in order to improve the quality of the estimates by constructive competition. The effort of the Carter Administration to diminish the role of American military assistance and foreign military sales in our foreign policy has had several negative effects: It has resulted in the export of many thousands of American jobs as the Soviet Union, Britain, and France have taken sales prohibited to American manufacturers; It has reduced the ability of friendly nations to defend their independence against Soviet-sponsored subversion, resulting in several cases in abject takeovers by overtly pro-Soviet regimes; and. A dynamic water policy, which addresses our national diversity in climate, geography, and patterns of land ownership, and includes all requirements across the spectrum of water use, including Reclamation policy, will be a priority of the Republican Administration working with the advice and counsel of state and local interests. Nevertheless, the Carter Administration has placed exporting at the bottom of its priority list. Balance the budget without tax increases at these lower levels of taxation and spending. This is especially so for those whose new income from a job is either equal to, or marginally greater than, the amount received on welfare. Republicans recognize the need for further improvement in highway safety. The Republican Party supports the principle and process of self-determination in Africa. The proposal will not only provide relief for all American taxpayers, but also promote non-inflationary economic growth by restoring the incentive to save, invest, and produce. Republicans pledge to revitalize America's military research and development efforts, from basic research through the deployment of weapons and support systems, to assure that our vital security needs will be met for the balance of the century. Since four out of every five jobs are in the private sector, the success of federal employment efforts is dependent on private sector participation. For most Americans, these reduced tax rates will slow the rate at which taxes rise. In addition, we encourage the development of innovative alternate health care delivery systems and other out-patient services at the local level. We oppose federalizing the welfare system; local levels of government are most aware of the needs in their communities. The individual citizen will reclaim his or her independence. Hispanics are rapidly becoming the largest minority in the country and are one of the major pillars in our cultural, social, and economic life. It strikes most cruelly at the elderly, especially those on fixed incomes. The Carter Administration and the Democratic Party continue to foster that dependency. America's technological advantage has always depended upon its interaction with our civilian science and technology sector. It has been estimated that by the end of the 1980s resources from government-controlled acreage could yield over two million barrels of oil per day and four trillion cubic feet of gas per year, the equivalent of nearly all of our imports from OPEC countries. A Republican Administration will end the sustained Carter policy of misleading the American people about Soviet policies and behavior. Throughout America, the private and independent sectors have repeatedly helped in the creation of minority business through donated counseling and consulting services. Republicans support public policies that will promote electoral participation without compromising ballot-box security. The Democratic Congress and the Carter Administration are espousing programs that candidate Carter in 1976 said were inhumane: using recession, unemployment, high interest rates, and high taxes to fight inflation.