Users of the data should refer to the metadata should they have any specific questions. First, there are links to University of Oregon Social Science Instructional Labs (SSIL) web pages containing or with further links to GIS data on external sources. Please fill out the following application and send it to Be sure to submit them before sending the report to SHPO. Select. For further information on availability of data, visit About the Inventory. The KHRI is administered by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) at the Kansas Historical Society (KSHS) and is a searchable inventory of the state’s surveyed historic properties. Explore. Applications are reviewed infrequently based upon reviewer availability and it can take time to receive a response. Ecoregions of Oregon (color poster with map, descriptive text, summary tables, and photographs): Reston, Virginia, U.S. Geological Survey (map scale 1:1,500,000). Learn how, This resource allows you to search all of the reports that are in the SHPO Archaeological Library. Geospatial Publication CoordinatorJeanne Debenedetti Keyes503-808-65111220 SW 3rd AvenuePortland, OR 97204, Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution, Ground Transportation (GTRN) Data Dictionary, BLM OR County Boundaries Polygon (cob_poly) (, BLM OR Oregon Washington State Boundary Polygon (state_poly) (, BLM OR District Boundary Land Polygon (dob_land_poly) (, BLM OR District Boundary Polygon (dob_poly) (, BLM OR Resource Area Boundary Polygon (rab_poly) (, BLM OR Resource Area Land Boundaries Polygon (rab_land_poly) (, BLM OR State Office Boundaries Polygon (sob_poly) (, BLM OR Cadastral Meandered Water Polygon (MeanderedWater) (, BLM OR Cadastral PLSS First Division Polygon (PLSSFirstDivision) (, BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Intersected Polygon (PLSSIntersected) (, BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Metadata Glance Polygon (MetadataGlance) (, BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Second Division Polygon (PLSSSecondDivision) (, BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Special Survey Polygon (PLSSSpecialSurvey) (, BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Standardized Data PLSS Point (PLSSPoint) (, BLM OR Cadastral PLSS Township Polygon (PLSSTownship) (, BLM OR Easements and Rights of Way Line (esmtrow_pub_arc) (, BLM OR Easements and Rights of Way Polygon (esmtrow_pub_poly) (, BLM OR Designated Right of Way Publication Polygon (ROW_DSG_PUB_POLY) (, BLM OR Fire History 1850 Polygon (fire1850_poly) (, BLM OR Fire History 1890 Polygon (fire1890_poly) (, BLM OR Fire History 1920 Polygon (fire1920_poly) (, BLM OR Fire History 1940 Polygon (fire1940_poly) (, BLM OR Fire History Polygon (fire_poly) (, BLM OR Fire Water Sources Point (fwtr_src_point) (, BLM OR Aerial Photography Boundaries Polygon (ap_boundaries_poly) (, BLM OR Aerial Photography Centers Point (ap_centers_point) (, BLM OR Aerial Photography Flightlines Line (ap_flightlines_arc) (, BLM OR Aerial Photography Tiles Polygon (ap_tiles_poly) (, BLM OR Public LiDAR Polygon (lidar_project_avail_poly) (, BLM OR Quads 1:100,000 Polygon (quads100_poly) (, BLM OR Quads 1:12,000 Polygon 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Trail Line (oregon_historic_trail_arc) (, BLM OR Oregon and Washington Highways Line (highways_arc) (, BLM OR OHV Designation Publication Polygon (ohv_dsg_pub_poly) (, BLM OR CVS Accuracy Table (CVS_ACCURACY_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Coarse Downed Woody Material Table (CVS_DWMCOARSE_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Condition Class Boundaries Table (CVS_CCBOUNDARIES_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Condition Class Definitions Table (CVS_CCDEFINITIONS_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Condition Class Proportions Table (CVS_CCPROPORTIONS_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Data Errors Table (CVS_DATAERRORS_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Downed Wodd Transect Line (CVS_SMP_DWTRAN_ARC) (, BLM OR CVS Downed Woody Material Fines Table (CVS_DWMFINES_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Error History Table (CVS_ERRORHISTORY_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Ground Cover Data Table (CVS_GNDCOVER_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Hard Wood Clumps Data Table (CVS_HWCLUMPS_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Non-Tally Site Tree Data Table (CVS_NTSITEDATA_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Non-Tally Sub Plot Reference Trees Point (CVS_RES_NT_SPREF_PT) (, BLM OR CVS Non-Tally Subplot Reference Data Table (CVS_NTSPREFS_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Primary Sample Unit Administration Table (CVS_PSUADMIN_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Primary Sample Unit Center Point (CVS_SMP_PSUPLT_PT) (, BLM OR CVS Primary Sample Unit Data Table (CVS_PSUDATA_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Primary Sample Unit History Table (CVS_PSUHISTORY_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Primary Sample Unit Subplot Centers Point (CVS_SMP_PSUSUBPLT_PT) (, BLM OR CVS Resource Downed Wood Pieces Point (CVS_RES_DW_PT) (, BLM OR CVS Resource Hard Wood Clumps Point (CVS_RES_HWCL_PT) (, BLM OR CVS Resource Non-Tally Site Tree Point (CVS_RES_NT_ST_PT) (, BLM OR CVS Stumps Data Table (CVS_STUMPS_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Subplot Data Table (CVS_SUBPLOTDATA_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Survey Condition Class Polygon (CVS_SRV_CC_POLY) (, BLM OR CVS Survey Subplots Polygon (CVS_SRV_SUBPLT_POLY) (, BLM OR CVS Tree Data Table (CVS_TREEDATA_TBL) (, BLM OR CVS Trees Point (CVS_RES_TREE_PT) (, BLM OR CVS Understory Vegetation Data Table (CVS_UNDERVEGDATA_TBL) (, CVS Sample Panel Point (CVS_SMP_PANEL_PT) (, BLM OR Co-Op and Consolidated Forest Breeding Units Polygon (FBU_COOPCONSOL_POLY) (, BLM OR Douglas Fir Breeding Units Polygon (FBU_DFIR_POLY) (, BLM OR FOI Down Log Decay Table (MS_DL_DECAY_PUB) (, BLM OR FOI Downed Logs Publication Table (MS_DOWNLOG_PUB) (, BLM OR FOI Layers Publication Table (MS_LAYERS_PUB) (, BLM OR FOI Layers Species Percent Publication Table (MS_LYR_SPP_PUB) (, BLM OR FOI Snag Decay Table (MS_SG_DECAY_PUB) (, BLM OR FOI Snag Publication Table (MS_SNAG_PUB) (, BLM OR FOI Stand Publication Table (MS_STAND_PUB) (, BLM OR FOI Stand Species Percent Publication Table (MS_STD_SPP_PUB) (, BLM OR Forest Operations Inventory Vegetation Publication Polygon (FOIVEG_PUB_POLY) (, BLM OR Monitoring & Sample Point (SAMPLE_PT) (, Site Potential Tree Height Line (SPTH_ARC) (, Site Potential Tree Height Polygon (SPTH_POLY) (, BLM OR Timber Production Capability Class Polygon (TPC_POLY) (, BLM OR Biological Treatments Polygon (bio_poly) (, BLM OR Chemical Treatments Polygon (chem_poly) (, BLM OR Exclosure Protection Treatments Polygon (prot_poly) (, BLM OR Harvest Treatments Polygon (harv_poly) (, BLM OR Mechanical Treatments Polygon (mech_poly) (, BLM OR Prescribed Fire Treatments Polygon (burn_poly) (, BLM OR Revegetation Treatments Polygon (reveg_poly) (, BLM OR Anadromous Fish Arc (FISH_ANADROMOUS_ARC) (, BLM OR Anadromous Fish Polygon (FISH_ANADROMOUS_POLY) (, BLM OR Fish Resident Line (FISH_RESIDENT_ARC) (, BLM OR Fish Resident Poly (FISH_RESIDENT_POLY) (, BLM OR Non-Native Fish Line (FISH_NON_NATIVE_ARC) (, BLM OR Non-Native Fish Polygon (FISH_NON_NATIVE_POLY) (, BLM OR Fish Passage Barrier Publication Point (FPB_PUB_PT) (, BLM OR Greater Sage-grouse PHMA/GHMA Polygon (sg_phmaghma_poly) (, BLM OR Marbled Murrelet Zone Polygon (mmz_poly) (, BLM OR Known Spotted Owl Activity Centers Oregon Polygon (koac_poly) (, BLM OR Northern Spotted Owl Site Summary Publication Point (nso_sitesum_public_point) (, BLM OR Northern Spotted Owl Sites Publication Point (nso_site_public_point) (, BLM OR GSGROD Greater Sage-grouse Priority Habitat Management Area General Habitat Management Area clipped to BLM Ownership Polygon R6 Albers (wld_ROD_PHMAGHMA_BLMOwn_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Right of Way Designations Wind and Solar Polygon R6 Albers (lnds_ROD_ROWDSG_windSolar_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Grazing Allotments clipped to BLM Ownership Polygon R6 Albers (rng_ROD_GraAllotment_BLMOwn_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Greater Sage-grouse Priority Habitat Management Area General Habitat Management Area Polygon R6 Albers (wld_ROD_PHMAGHMA_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Key Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) R6 Albers (sma_ROD_KeyACECs_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Key Research Natural Areas (RNA) Polygon R6 Albers (sma_ROD_KeyRNA_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Mineral Stipulations Polygon R6 Albers (min_ROD_Mineral Stipulations_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Non Energy Leaseables Polygon R6 Albers (min_ROD_nonEnergyLSE_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Off-Highway Vehicle Designations Polygon R6 Albers (sma_ROD_OHV_r6alb_20150706) (, BLM OR GSGROD Planning Area Polygon R6 Albers (adm_ROD_PlanningArea_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Planning Area clipped to BLM Ownership Polygon R6 Albers (adm_ROD_BLMOwn_PlanArea_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Right of Way Designations Major Polygon R6 Albers (lnds_ROD_ROWDSG_major_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Right of Way Designations Minor Polygon R6 Albers (lnds_ROD_ROWDSG_minor_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Sagebrush Focal Areas (SFA) Polygon R6 Albers (adm_ROD_SFA_Final_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Sagebrush Focal Areas (SFA) clipped to BLM Ownership Polygon R6 Albers (adm_ROD_SFA_BLMOwn_r6alb) (, BLM OR GSGROD Land Tenure Polygon R6 Albers (lnds_ROD_LandTenure_r6alb) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Areas Closed to Salable Mineral Entry Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_SALABLE_CLOSED_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Areas of Critical Environmental Concern Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_ACEC_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Designated Wild & Scenic River Corridors Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_Designated_WSR_Corridors_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Designated Wild & Scenic Rivers Line (RWO_ROD_NCO_Designated_WSR_arc) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Land Tenure Zones Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_LTZ_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Land Use Allocations Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_LUA_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Land Use Planning Boundary Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_LUP_Boundary_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Lands Wilderness Characteristics Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_LWC_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Public Motorized Access Designations Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_MOTORIZED_ACCESS_DESIGNATION_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Recreation Management Areas Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_RMA_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Right of Way Avoidance and Exclusion Areas Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_ROW_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Riparian Reserves Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_Riparian_Reserves_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Suitable Wild and Scenic River Corridors Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_Suitable_WSR_Corridors_poly) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Suitable Wild and Scenic Rivers Line (RWO_ROD_NCO_Suitable_WSR_arc) (, BLM OR ROD NCO Visual Resource Management Areas Polygon (RWO_ROD_NCO_VRM_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Areas Closed to Salable Mineral Entry Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_SALABLE_CLOSED_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Areas of Critical Environmental Concern Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_ACEC_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Designated Wild & Scenic River Corridors Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_Designated_WSR_Corridors_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Designated Wild & Scenic Rivers Line (RWO_ROD_SWO_Designated_WSR_arc) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Grazing Allotments Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_Grazing_Allotments_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Land Use Allocations Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_LUA_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Land Use Planning Boundary Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_LUP_Boundary_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Lands Managed for Their Wilderness Characteristics Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_LWC_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Public Motorized Access Designations Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_MOTORIZED_ACCESS_DESIGNATION_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Recreation Management Areas Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_RMA_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Right of Way Avoidance and Exclusion Areas Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_ROW_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Riparian Reserves Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_Riparian_Reserves_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Suitable Wild and Scenic River Corridors Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_Suitable_WSR_Corridors_poly) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Suitable Wild and Scenic Rivers Line (RWO_ROD_SWO_Suitable_WSR_arc) (, BLM OR ROD SWO Visual Resource Management Areas Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_VRM_poly) (, BLM OR ROW ROD SWO Land Tenure Zones Polygon (RWO_ROD_SWO_LTZ_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Suitable Wild and Scenic Rivers Line (PSDV_RWO_ROD_Suitable_WSR_arc) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Areas of Critical Environmental Concern Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_ACEC_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV BLM District Harvest Model Metrics Polygon (PSDV_ecn_MMBFbyDOB_c_v1_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Designated Wild & Scenic River Corridors Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_Designated_WSR_Corridors_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Designated Wild & Scenic Rivers Line (PSDV_RWO_ROD_Designated_WSR_arc) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Eastside Management Area Land Use Allocations Raster (PSDV_RWO_ROD_LUA_EMA_rst) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Forest Site Moisture Condition Class Raster (PSDV_RWO_ROD_FSMCC_30m_rst) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Grazing Allotments Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_Grazing_Allotments_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Harvest Land Base Land Use Allocations Raster (PSDV_RWO_ROD_LUA_HLB_rst) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Land Use Allocations Raster (PSDV_RWO_ROD_LUA_rst) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Land Use Planning Boundaries Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_LUP_Boundaries_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Lands Managed for Their Wilderness Characteristics Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_LWC_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Ownership Raster (PSDV_pol_ownership_c_v1_rst) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Population Change by County Polygon (PSDV_ecn_PopByCounty_c_v1_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Recreation Management Areas Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_RMA_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Reserves and National Conservation Lands Land Use Allocations Raster (PSDV_RWO_ROD_LUA_Reserves_NLCS_rst) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Suitable Wild and Scenic River Corridors Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_Suitable_WSR_Corridors_poly) (, BLM OR ROD PSDV Visual Resource Management Areas Polygon (PSDV_RWO_ROD_VRM_poly) (, BLM OR RWO Harvest Metrics By District Boundaries Polygon (RMPWO_MMBF_By_DOB) (, BLM OR RWO Ownership 10 Meter Raster (RMPWO_Ownership_10m_rst) (, BLM OR RWO Population Change By COB Polygon (RMPWO_Population_By_COB) (, BLM OR RWO ROD PSDV Riparian Reserves Raster (PSDV_RWO_ROD_Riparian_Reserves_rst) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP BLM Ownership Draft Polygon (SJIRMP_BLM_Ownership_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP BLM Shoreline 50 Meter Buffer Draft Polygon (SJIRMP_BLM_Shoreline_50M_buffer_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP ERMA Intersected with Veg Alternative B Poly (SJIRMP_ERMA_Veg_Intersect_ALTB_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP ERMA Intersected with Veg Alternative C Poly (SJIRMP_ERMA_Veg_Intersect_ALTC_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP ERMA Intersected with Veg Alternative D Polygon (SJIRMP_ERMA_Veg_Intersect_ALTD_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Extensive Recreation Management Area Alternative B Polygon (SJIRMP_ERMA_AltB_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Extensive Recreation Management Area Alternative C Poly (SJIRMP_ERMA_AltC_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Extensive Recreation Management Area Alternative D Polygon (SJIRMP_ERMA_AltD_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP GeoBOB Publication Flora Sites Polygon (SJIRMP_Flora_Sites_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP NOAA Shoreline Buffered 200 feet Poly (SJIRMP_Shoreline_200ftBuffer_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Ownership Polygon (SJIRMP_Ownership_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Succession Clipped to Vegetation DRAFT Line (SJIRMP_Succession_Clipped_to_VEG_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Travel and Transportation Managemen Plan Alternative D Line (SJIRMP_TTMP_AltD_line) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Travel and Transportation Management Plan Alternative A Line (SJIRMP_TTMP_AltA_line) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Travel and Transportation Management Plan Current Line (SJIRMP_TTMP_Current_line) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Travel and Transportation Management Plan Alternative C Line (SJIRMP_TTMP_AltC_line) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Visual Resource Management - VRM (Polygon) Alternative A (SJIRMP_VRM_altA_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Visual Resource Management - VRM (Polygon) Alternative B (SJIRMP_VRM_altB_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Visual Resource Management - VRM (Polygon) Alternative C (SJIRMP_VRM_altC_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Visual Resource Management - VRM (Polygon) Alternative D (SJIRMP_VRM_altD_poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMP Wilderness Characteristics Poly DRAFT (SJIRMP_WLD_Characteristics_Poly) (, BLM WA SJINMRMPTravel and Transportation Management Plan Alternative B Line (SJIRMP_TTMP_AltB_line) (, BLM WA SJIRMP Dispersed Camping No Action Alternative Polygon (SJIRMP_BLM_Dispersed_Camping_NoAction_poly) (, BLM WA SJIRMP Maritime Heritage Management Areas Polygon (SJINM_Martime_Heritage_Management_Areas_poly) (, BLM WA SJIRMP Ocean Areas 20 meters Polygon (SJIRMP_BLM_OceanAreas_To_depth20m_poly) (, BLM OR Management Ownership Polygon (Admin_own_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Administrative Oregon Counties Polygon (Admin_Oregon_Counties_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Administrative Ownership Boundaries Polygon (Admin_Ownership_Counties_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP BLM Lands Polygon (Admin_BLMLands_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Oregon State Boundary Polygon (Admin_Oregon_State_Boundary) (, BLM OR SEORMP Ownership Dissolved and Clipped to RAB Polygon (Admin_own_BLM_diss_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Resource Area Boundary Land Polygon (Admin_RAB_LAND_POLY) (, BLM OR Resource Area Land Boundaries Polygon (Alternatives_All_Alternatives_MIN_BLMLands) (, BLM OR SEORMP All Alternative OHV BLM Lands Polygon (Alternatives_All_Alternatives_OHV_BLMLands) (, BLM OR SEORMP All Alternative ROW BLM Lands Polygon (Alternatives_All_Alternatives_ROW_BLMLands) (, BLM OR SEORMP All Alternative VRM BLM Lands Polygon (Alternatives_All_Alternatives_VRM_BLMLands) (, BLM OR SEORMP All Alternatives All Salable Minerals Polygon (Alternatives_All_Alternatives_All_SAL_MIN) (, BLM OR SEORMP All Alternatives LTZ BLM Lands Polygon (Alternatives_All_Alternatives_LTZ_BLMLands) (, BLM OR SEORMP All Alternatives Leaseable Minerals Polygon (Alternatives_All_Alternatives_All_LSE_MIN) (, BLM OR SEORMP Alternatives Final 20180125 Polygon (Alternatives_Final_2018_01_25) (, BLM OR SEORMP Current Vegetation Classes Raster (veg_FEIS_na_CurrentVegClasses_UTM_NAD83_Zone11_maskRAB_MaskBLM) (, BLM OR SEORMP Flora Observations Clipped Resource Area Boundary Point (bot_floraobs_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Flora Sites Clipped Resource Area Boundary Polygon (bot_florasites_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Juniper Raster (Juniper_data_SO_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Cartographic Feature Rivers Arc (cartfeat_rivers) (, BLM OR SEORMP Cartographic Feature Streams Arc (cartfeat_streams) (, BLM OR SEORMP Cultural Oregon Trail Arc (cult_intact_or_trail) (, BLM OR SEORMP Oregon Historic Trail Clipped Arc Resource Area Boundary (cult_oregon_historic_trail_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Existing Utility Corridors Southeast Oregon Polygon (Energy_UtilityCorridors_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Sage Grouse PAC Polygon (fiat_2013_COT_SG_Populations_PACS_WAFWA_clipRAB_1) (, BLM OR SEORMP Fire Frequency 1980 - 2017 Clipped RAB Polygon (Fire_fire_freq_1980_2017_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Fire Frequency 1980 - 2017 Clipped RAB Polygon (fiat_2013_COT_SG_Populations_PACS_WAFWA_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Fire History Clipped RAB Polygon (Fire_Fire_History_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Fire Modle Raster (FM_fire_model_extend_reclass1) (, BLM OR SEORMP Bull Trout Critical Habitat Polygon (fhs_bull_trout_crit_hab) (, BLM OR SEORMP Forest Clipped RAB Polygon (For_Forest_Polygon_SEORMP_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Authorized Material Sites Clipped RAB Polygon (geo_AuthorizedMaterialSites_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Geothermal KGRA Revision Clipped RAB Polygon (geo_kgra_rev_clipRAB_1) (, BLM OR SEORMP Split Mineral and Surface Estate from GVAL Clipped RAB Polygon (geo_splitestate_from_GVAL_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Streams Clipped to RAB Arc (hydro_streams_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Waterbodies Clipped to RAB Polygon (hydro_hyd_pub_waterbody_Entire_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Oil and Gas Potential Polygon (minpot_Oil_Gas_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Leasable Minerals Polygon (Min_LSE_Min_Estate) (, BLM OR SEORMP Locatable Mineral Polygon (Min_Loc_Min_Estate) (, BLM OR SEORMP Locatable Minerals Polygon (Min_LOC_intrsct_Estate_2018_07_02) (, BLM OR SEORMP Minerals Final Polygon (Min_Minerals_Final) (, BLM OR SEORMP Minerals Polygon (Min_Minerals_BLMLands_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Minerals Split Estate Polygon (Min_Split_Estate_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Salable Minerals Polygon (Min_SAL_Min_Estate) (, BLM OR SEORMP Areas Not Available For Grazing Polygon (Owyhee_River_Corridor_Not_Available_Grazing) (, BLM OR SEORMP Grazing Allotments Polygon (rng_gra_allotment_poly_clipRAB2) (, BLM OR SEORMP Grazing Allotments Polygon (rng_gra_poly_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Owyhee Pasture Elimination Polygon (Alloc_Name_Alloc_Type_Closures_By_Pasture_2018_11_07) (, BLM OR SEORMP Pastures and Areas Not Available For Grazing Polygon (Pastures_Not_Available_Grazing) (, BLM OR SEORMP Range Fence Line (rng_fence_clipRAB_2018_06_25) (, BLM OR SEORMP Range Structures Point (rng_strct_pt_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Structures Line (rng_STRCT_ARC_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP OHV Designations Polygon (Rec_OHV_SOL_BLMLands_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP ACEC Polygon (sma_ACEC_poly_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Designated Wild and Scenic Rivers Line (sma_Wild_and_Scenic_Rivers_Designated) (, BLM OR SEORMP Geographic Management Areas Polygon (sma_gma_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Herd Areas Polygon (sma_whb_herdareas_No_HMAs_only_BLMLands) (, BLM OR SEORMP Herd Management Areas Polygon (sma_whb_hma_poly) (, BLM OR SEORMP SMA NLCS Polygon (sma_NLCS_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Special Management Areas NLCS Plus Polygon (sma_NLCS_Plus) (, BLM OR SEORMP Wild and Scenic Rivers Corridor Polygon (sma_Wild_and_Scenic_River_corridor_SEORMP_suitable) (, BLM OR SEORMP Highways Line (trans_HIGHWAYS_ARC_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Roads Line (trans_GTRN_PUB_ROADS_ARC_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Trails Line (trans_GTRN_PUB_TRAILS_ARC_clipRAB) (, BLM OR Invasive Species and Pastures Polygon (weed_Pastures_cat5cat6_blmowner_WeedsEA_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Treatment Components Polygon (weed_TreatcomponentLoc_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP VAT Category 5 6 Raster (Category_5_6) (, BLM OR SEORMP Weed Infestation Polygon (Weed_WeedInfestationLocation_ClipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Wilderness Characteristics Polygon (wc_WILD_CHAR_POLY_2018_02_09) (, BLM OR SEORMP Wilderness Study Area Polygon (wc_wsa_poly_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Big Horn Sheep Polygon (wld_071211_OR_BHSheep_Occupied_Habitat_UTM12_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Pronghorn Sheep (wld_pronghorn_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Sage Grouse Habitat Polygon (wld_FEIS_prpFinal_PHMAGHMA_SGRMPA_r6alb_2017_09_25_clipRAB) (, BLM OR SEORMP Wildlife Disturbance Roads Polygon (wld_Disturbance_Cap_Roads_110815_ClipRAB) (.