Army Officer as a career has always been a dream for the young energetic youth of the country.In fact, there has always been a shortfall of deserving candidates for this coveted career. Why I Want to Be an Army Officer. Those who are interested in being in the military usually have a love for their country and would like to be able to give something back for the opportunity they have received. Some of them are less obvious than the others. This is what I desire to do. You get paid better! Honestly I do not fully understand all the responsibilities of a Commissioned Officer. When it comes to Indian Army’s Officer selection, there are various schemes and entry methods. I want to be an officer," said Bruer. You’re likely to spend the first few years as a Regimental Medical Officer (RMO) with a combat unit or as a General Duties Medical Officer (GDMO) with a medical regiment. A pride in your work and service is one of the best qualities in any worker, leader, or upstanding citizen. The Army defends, protects, and honors the United States of America. It doesn’t matter whether you need your paper done in a week or by tomorrow – either way, we’ll be able to meet these deadlines. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy, The input space is limited by 250 symbols. If you're already enlisted in the military, talk to your superior about attending officer training school to get their advice, then apply for the program online. The pride of being an American citizen was engrained in me from my childhood, and it has only grown, especially after my first year of Army ROTC. Through my current involvement in Army ROTC, I have seen first hand how the military values of integrity, honor, respect, and so forth align flawlessly with my own beliefs. These experiences have shaped me into the person I am today, and I am certain they will be useful as an Army Officer. From the time I was a little girl, I can remember flying American flags in front of the house, reciting the pledge of allegiance every morning at school, and signing the national anthem at any sporting event (even backyard pickup games). It is shaping me into a better person, and I know that with my firm bases in leadership and love for my country, I would make a successful officer. how to become an army ranger Basic qualifications for service in the 75RR To become a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment, you will need to possess the mental toughness, physical fitness, moral character, and the self-motivation required to endure the difficult training and overcome the challenges that you will face. your own paper. He is the protector of our honour, wealth and well-being. 4.8K views View 5 Upvoters A soldier's motto is to do or die. Why want to become an army officer Vicki Autrive July 20, 2016. To join the Army you will need to meet the eligibility requirements and attend a YOU Session and an Assessment Day before sitting an Officers Selection Board. However, you can be commissioned in the NATIONAL GUARD or ARMY RESERVE with 2 … At the same time, I want to serve in such a way that accounts for a whole-hearted investment. Why DO you want to be an Army Officer? The prominent entry schemes are as follows – Explore the power to correct in to wounded soldiers. There are two main reasons why I want to become an Officer. I told my wife that it would have to be either Army officer candidacy or political candidacy. As noted above, you are going to be put in a position of authority. Ever since I was a young boy, I saw greatness in the United States Army and hoped to one day be a part of it. Becoming a Commissioned Officer would allow me to apply my knowledge and experience to the operations side of the Army. Their procedure enables you to learn and is extremely useful for average students like me.-Michael McFarland A dream of becoming an army officer began at my childhood age. By Sgt. I remember all of the soldier complaints and mission complications. First of all, I want to make a difference in the training of Reserve Soldiers. Whether you’re about to embark on your degree or you’re already studying, you could benefit from an Army Undergraduate Bursary, from £6,000 - £24,000. As an Army Officer, I would radiate this American tradition and lead others towards the best possible outcome for the United States civilians and military. A pride in your work and service is one of the best qualities in any worker, leader, or upstanding citizen. While we are following self distancing guidelines, these sessions are being held online. Just show us you’ve got what it takes to join us as an Officer when you graduate. This may be a no brainer, but it needs to be said anyway.A second lieutenant (O-1) that just commissioned in the Army will get paid almost double the … 2 Educational Benefits There are many aspects to being an officer, both good and bad. At Penn State, I have involved myself in leadership positions, obviously including the PLA, which have only further prepared me for leadership within the army. This career offers good salary, perks, lifestyle, retirement benefits and loads of other benefits. ramakant singh. Essay why i want to become an army officer >>> click here International essay competition high school students Findscorecom ielts essay sample topic 1034 – children learn best by observing in a proper way around children so they can absorb that good behaviour. Be a little self-centered – I say this only for the simple fact that you will not be present during the selection board, which (in my opinion) is the most important part. Eduardo Rivera Escobales, 363rd Public Affairs Detachment November 20, 2020. Copyright 2021 © The Pennsylvania State University. As an Army Officer, I would radiate this American tradition and lead others towards the best possible outcome for the United States civilians and military. Not only does this mean supervising others, but it also allows you to make important decisions. This semester I have also taken on an internship and am excited for opportunities within ROTC to lead my platoon in PT. With my teaching background, my experience as an enlisted soldier, as a Noncommissioned Officer, and my experience with soldiers, I can make battle assemblies more worthwhile and meaningful to all soldiers alike.I first handedly know what soldiers enjoy and I do have many great ideas that will without a doubt ensure high moral with in any unit I am assigned to. First of all, I want to make a difference in the training of Reserve Soldiers. There are a long line of admirable heroes that have been Officers and I would be honored to continue this tradition. June 12, 2018 at 4:03 pm. Second of all, I enjoy challenges and becoming an Officer would be a new challenge that I would take with complete seriousness and would excel in. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. why i want to be an officer in the army 1435 Words6 Pages Dear Captain, The United States Army is one of the main factors that allows America to be a free and democratic country. i want to become an army officer because i will get good and branded products to drink. These traits make the United States Army the best Army in the world. This gives us a chance to get to know you and to see if you'd get on well in the Army, and for you to ask us questions. I found many problems that she filled out pros and cons of fernace filters an older man would be a i. You can get your custom paper from I want to Why I Want To Become An Officer In The Army Essay express my gratitude towards Nascent Minds for their assistance in settling down my troublesome queries. This is one of the ways to do it. A great mentor once told me, the only way to ameliorate the headaches that come along with being a Reserve Soldier is to move up in the ranks. It gives you many opportunities and after retirement your pension is also increased if you become an officer. One has to be always very alert, active, disciplined and dutiful. Why I Want To Become An Army Warrant Officer Dear Captain, The United States Army is one of the main factors that allows America to be a free and democratic country. But here we share some dipstick who smoked weed, there is ias exam? The Army defends, protects, and honors the United States of America. Share on Twitter I absolutely love being in the United States Army and I live by the Army values. Ultimately, I want to be an Army officer because I believe that I have a duty before God to serve my country in a more fundamental way than merely voting. Leadership is something of utmost value. One want to become an army officer because of the respect and benefits which are given to officers and their families are numerous, Also the salary of an officer is approximately three times that of a soldier. Over the years, I have also had a chance to see and experience training and missions as an enlisted soldier. First of all, I want to make a difference in the training of Reserve Soldiers. Find out more here. In case you can’t find a sample example, our professional writers are ready to help you with writing Reply. When you re-read your essay, each sentence should refer back to the original question “Why I want to be an army officer… I want to be an army officer because _____” imagine it like that… and if each sentence can fill in the blank more or less, you are on the right track our expert writers, Please indicate where to send you the sample, Hi, my name is Jenn To become an officer in the military, attend a service academy for college or go to a university that offers an ROTC program if you want to become a commissioned officer after you graduate. During day 2 of the Army Officer Selection Board, you will have to pass an interview that will assess why you are applying to become an Army Officer, why you want to join the Royal Military Police and also your experiences and interests that will help you to become a professional and competent leader and Officer within the British Army. Moreover, it won’t affect the quality of a paper: our writers are able to write quickly and meet the deadlines not because they do Why I Want To Become A Army Officer Essay it half-heartedly but because they Unlike many other civilian professions, the army is known to take good care of their own officers. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. If I get a chance to be a soldier, I will do every I can do for my country. Officer Candidate School (OCS) offers a path to become an Army officer. They want to ensure Army personnel is working in peak condition because we may be called on to fight for our country. During these ten years I have became very proficient at my MOS, which is a 12N and I have been deployed to Iraq in 2003. Army role finder; How to join the Army; Army Undergraduate Bursaries. Providing medical cover at Army sports events – there’s no doubt that life as an Army Doctor is varied. Pros. However, I do know that they are responsible for the majority of the planning. Learning new skills and being challenged are things that I take pleasure in. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. In my NDA SSB, I told the I/O, that apart from patriotism and the glamor of the uniform coupled with a sense of duty and achievement, joining the armed forces was a very bright option for me career wise. The Army will extremely benefit from my ambition and determination. That being said, I would also continue to strive for more than success—I would strive for excellence. 1 To Serve Your Country One of the biggest motivators to be an Army officer is to serve your country. I already gained some Army Leadership experience over the summer as a Camp Cadet Counselor, and I can’t wait to build upon that. Second of all, I enjoy challenges and becoming an Officer would be a new challenge that I would take with complete seriousness and would excel in. Besides, the other motivating factor related to leadership is the loyalty, trust and confidence that one enjoys from the … one your foreign degree will have to be evaluated by a US university that offers the same degree option. Get Your Custom Essay on, By clicking “Write my paper”, you agree to our, By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree on the, Non Commissioned Officers : The Backbone Of The Army, Respecting Ncos in the United States Army Sample, Creed of the Noncommissioned Officer and How it Affects Leading Soldiers, If I Were a Sergeant Major of the Army for a Day,, Get your custom Why I Want to Be an Army Officer. If you have the desire to give your country more then you desire to have from it. Becoming a Commissioned Officer would be a challenge I would like to accept. It is the intangible benefits of becoming a Military Officer that will really change your life. A soldier never wants a war, but if it is forced upon him he never looks back. Through my work with ROTC and as a Penn State Student, I hope to achieve excellence so one day I can serve as a valuable Army leader. I never knew he was a lieutenant until one day I received a phone call from the barrack with a voice referring to him as Lieutenant Benet. You'll also be given advice on getting ready for the next stage - the Army Officer Selection Board (AOSB). by Brenna Fisher | Oct 23, 2016 | 0 comments. Leadership is something of utmost value. Becoming an Officer in the Indian Army is a matter of pride for the candidate as well as his/her family. My father was a soldier, and I spend quite a lot of time visiting him in the barracks. Second of all, I enjoy challenges and becoming an Officer would be a new challenge that I would take with complete seriousness and would excel in. "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy", Don't use plagiarized sources. Do you want to become an officer? I have been in the United States Army Reserves for almost ten years. One of the things that characterise the army is the urge to further education of the officers in order to foster strong leaders. Essay, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. Instagram: @kidthndr2Snapchat : @klop95If you need my email its on one of my videos or just ask. There are two main reasons why I want to become an Officer. Training soldiers is the job I enjoy the most. Leadership is about balancing authority and control with effective personal skills and a humble attitude, and I believe that I would be very successful in such a role, because of my previous involvement. From learning about our impressive history of exploration and innovation in high school classrooms, to watching every person rally together on 9/11 anniversaries, I know there is no better place to live. These are actually some of the core reasons that … Another thing that will benefit me as a Commissioned officer in the United States Army is my belief in the core Army values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage. Retrieved from, This is just a sample. There are two main reasons why I want to become an Officer. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order. And ultimately, that is what being an Army officer is about; leading in the defense of our country, organizing the flow of people and materials, and making hard decisions that others are unwilling or unable to make. I feel strongly that I have all the leadership qualities required to be a good officer and this is one of the principle reasons that I want to become an Army Officer. Even in the one year that I have been a part of the program, there is no doubt in my mind that the Army is where I belong. (2017, May 06). Check out these five common ways to become an Army Officer. You need a bachelors degree in order to be an ACTIVE DUTY commissioned officer. Be honest – Think of “why I want to be an Army Officer” as a question, not an explanation. yes it will be more difficult. To become an Army Officer you require your Senior Secondary Certificate of Education with passes in English and three other tertiary entry units, preferably including mathematics and a science unit.