The feature lets users access Linux file systems, such as ext4, that aren’t natively supported by Windows. Is it possible to view the WSL2/Ubuntu virtual disk via Windows File Explorer? The WSL2/Ubuntu drive format is ext4. Next, the file gets transferred from Ubuntu to the Windows current directory. Opening files using some Windows tools may read-lock the opened files and/or folders, preventing updates to file contents and/or metadata, essentially resulting in corrupted files/folders. Additionally, note that while you can access Windows files from Linux (WSL) in this way, you shouldn't write or edit Linux files using Windows tools as this will likely corrupt them. Copy File From Ubuntu To Windows Via SSH. @mpen my limited understanding is that you can mess things up using Windows Explorer (or any non-ubuntu shell program) to access WSL, but not the other way around (That is, I believe using ubuntu to access WSL files or std win files shoudl be fine since the shell should be WSL 'aware'). Windows Sub-System for Linux provides you access to the Windows 10 system drive by mounting the C:\ . I used Cygwin in the past but I really like the familiarity of the Ubuntu toolchain. File Copied Successfully. By executing the previous command, you should enter the password of your Ubuntu machine. On Linux if you go to you root directory and list all directories, then you will notice a /mnt/c/ which is Windows … There are many Linux programs the OP can use like 'ls, cat, cd, etc from the command line.Plus the OP can install nautilus and gedit if so inclined to use a GUI. Fortunately Microsoft introduced Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) a while ago so I can now have my cake and eat it too. where . Maybe a network share setup? This enables you to use Windows apps and Linux command-line tools on the same set of files if you wish. It also means those who are dual-booting Windows and Linux with different disks can now access Linux files from Windows. WSL also allows you to run Linux command-line tools and apps alongside your Windows command-line, desktop and store apps, and to access your Windows files from within Linux. You can also access your Windows files from the Bash shell. Method 2: Transfer Files Via Samba. Update: Starting with Windows 10’s May 2019 Update, there’s now an official, safe way to access your Linux files from Windows applications. There seems little point in installing Linux on Windows and turning around to use Windows to massage the Linux data. – dr_ Jul 30 '19 at 7:22 Windows 10 is my daily driver at home so I need a way to use some Linux command-line utilities (e.g. This is the correct answer. From the Windows file explorer you can type \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\youUbuntuUserName\ ... and you will be able to access all your Windows files! git) without having to boot-up a virtual machine. Everything works great. With WSL2/Ubuntu installed, the local Windows C drive is mounted in Ubuntu automatically. I am able to copy items into my home directory from my Windows file system. is the current directory, and you'll get a Windows Explorer window with your Linux files served to you over a local network plan9 server. In this method, we are going to install the Samba package on Ubuntu. Method 2 – Windows System Drive as a Mount point. We've been told many times to never open a Linux file with a windows app because it can corrupt the data. Run Windows Explorer from Linux and access your distro's files When you're at the WSL/bash command line and you want to access your files visually, you can run "explorer.exe ." You can access this folder to back up and view files.