HISTORIC STATUE REMOVAL – SHOULD HISTORIC STATUES BE TAKEN DOWN? Gun control is a logical approach to keeping people safe. On February 14, 2018 a school shooter armed with an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle murdered 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. GUN CONTROL – SHOULD MORE GUN CONTROL LAWS BE ENACTED? Yet, more and more people voice their concerns about owning firearms. A debate on gun control has been a major concern. In a thorough look at the history of federal and Maine state gun control— NRA Pros & Cons. They cannot afford to do so any longer. Even the devastating attack at Sandy Hook Elementary in December of 2012 failed to garner a consensus on the issue of background checks for gun purchases. Even people convicted of a gun crime can still buy more of them if they are not convicted of a felony and their misdemeanor sentence is less than 2 years in some states. There are many pros and cons of gun control but the right to carry arms is granted by the Second Amendment. Their actions — and the public support they have gained … 1934 - National Firearms Act imposed a tax on the sale of machine guns and short-barrel firearms, in reaction public rage over gangster activity. The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control 4/25/14 3:37PM While anti-violence activists continue to push for stricter gun laws including an all-out ban on assault weapons, gun advocates have dug in their heels, arguing that banning firearms and concealed carry violates people’s rights. For decades, gun-control advocates have left this narrative partially unanswered, offering depressing statistics but no compelling constitutional principle. The government has tried to control the gun violence, however there have been debates about that being wrong and it would take away the citizens of America’s rights. Criminals Will Break The Law Illegal guns are a huge trade and business in the United States. The National Shooting Sports Foundation warns that gun control targeting the so-called “Charleston Loophole” could be before Congress for a vote as early as next week. Impeachment Explainer . ... Paying College Athletes – Top 3 Pros and Cons . Though, there are still gun violence present; the government revoking the privilege of people owning guns… Many proponents believe that gun control will lead to reduced crime rates and suicide among the citizens although it hasn’t been proved. The pros and cons of gun control come to the forefront of debate in the wake of mass shootings that continue to pop up throughout the nation. One Final Thought on the Second Amendment. Gun control is a term that refers to the laws that regulate the sale and ownership of firearms. 5 Pros of Gun Control 1. Share this article. What is the purpose of government? Mass shootings, suicides, and abuse are among the top arguments for stricter laws. Gun control proponents aren’t interested in taking away citizens’ guns. ProCon.org Jul 16, 2015, 03:18 ET. This means that people should exercise a measure of self-control and a sense of responsibility to obey the rules that make it up. This article discusses the pros and cons on gun control and what they are from ENG 220 ENG/220 at University of Phoenix 1. It could put homeowners at a distinct disadvantage. Potentially fewer school shootings: The harder it is for someone to get their hands on a gun, the less likely they... 2. With more than 21 million daily active users in the United States in its first week, Pokémon Go has become the most popular US mobile game ever. 👍 Pro-Gun Control Essay Topics. AWR Hawkins 1 Mar 2021, 7:29 PM PST. The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control In America 2064 Words | 9 Pages. Since then, students who survived the massacre have spoken out in support of gun control. It has surpassed social media apps such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Twitter for daily use on Android devices. Who is against Gun Control . There is an increased number of firearms among citizens especially in the US. Though you might not automatically think hard-hitting news when you think of Rolling Stone magazine, the author of this brief article succinctly sums up four common pro-gun arguments and … Biography of Joe Biden, 46th President of the United States. While there are pros to upholding the Right to Bear Arms and relax the laws governing gun ownership, there are also quite a few cons. Examining gun control pros and cons should never neglect the unforeseen. 1968 - Gun Control Act expanded licensing and record-keeping; banned felons and the mentally ill from buying guns; banned the mail order sale of guns. With so many firearm fatalities linked to unintentional discharge, there is sense to applying safety devices to handguns, rifles and shotguns. Other issues raised by the Brady Campaign regarding regulation of guns and the response by the National ... Pros vs. Cons: The gun control debate The ... the history behind an article. Gun Control Pros and Cons; Either side of the debate is going to have their own list of pros and cons of gun control. Click Here To See The Comments Know the pros and cons of concealed vs open carry here, so you know your rights, limits, and options. Yet support for federal bans and reforms remain elusive. The Cons of Gun Control. There’s no way around it. For the victims' families and loved ones, this is a tragedy, writes Jill Filipovic. Especially in light of recent events, more people are starting to realize that gun control is necessary now more than ever. Accidental Shootings: When firearms are forbidden there’ll be fewer firearms in circulation, meaning far less... 3. Gunshot accidents frequently involve children laying hold of firearms when their parents are absent. ... Pros and Cons of Gun Ownership and Use Laws for Individuals. NRA Warns Members Joe Biden ‘Extreme Gun Control’ Measures Coming. Policy Almanac on Gun Control Gun Control Myths and Realities Gun Control Database Gun Control Facts 40 Reasons Guns Should be Banned (Satire) 30 Reasons to Oppose Gun Control (Satire) A Case for Gun Control Edubook.com - Pros and Cons of Gun Control Ask.com - Pros and Cons of Gun Control Is anything missing? Fracking – Top 3 Pros and Cons . Gun control is a complex issue that involves crime, legislation, and the Constitution. Arms possession is a right enshrined in the US constitution. GUN CONTROL Gun Control: State Versus Federal Regulation of Firearms By William S. Harwood This article addresses the complex question of whether gun control should be regulated by the federal or state govern-ment, or by some combination of both. Gun Control Issues. Further, this same study had other findings, which this article doesn’t list, which indicated some gun control laws *increase* the rate of firearm-induced deaths. 1938 - Federal Firearms Act required licensing of gun dealers. The story is, by now, familiar to everyone who keeps up with the news. Here, we’ve collected plenty of insightful pro-gun control topics for you to explore. What Is Gun Ownership Like State by State. Is any of the material inaccurate? RELATED: Why Carry A Gun: 5 Reasons Why And The 2nd Amendment In this article: Open Carry vs Concealed Carry Pros and Cons of Open Carry Pros and Cons … Pros and Cons of Gun Control Debated by Prominent Experts in New ProCon.org Website News provided by. They cheer the Second Amendment , which states: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” This being another reason the gun control community is not endorsing this study.