The ACLU filed a lawsuit against James Elmer Mitchell and John “Bruce” Jessen, two psychologists contracted by the CIA to design, implement, and oversee the agency’s post-9/11 torture program. Torture can either be viewed as a punishment or as a way to gain life-saving intelligence. International conventions prohibit the former. In August 2002, at somewhere called Detention Site Green, CIA personnel found the torture “visually and psychologically very uncomfortable . James Risen’s book in 2014 Pay any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War made this a national issue in his conclusion that APA colluded with the CIA and the Department of Defense to support torture enacted by the Bush administration. Torture: T he action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain. The story of the CIA torture programme is a powerful one. Harsh interrogation techniques authorized by top officials of the CIA have led to questionable confessions and the death of a detainee since the techniques … Something that colleague Dick Bitzinger unearthed, some time back ... 5 Myths About Torture and Truth Myths About Torture and Truth By Darius Rejali Washington Post, Sunday, December 16, 2007; B03 So the CIA did indeed torture Abu Zubaida, the first al-Qaeda terrorist suspect to have been waterboarded. And this movie is a quietly dramatic, certainly important, elegant piece of work. Hayden said that he carefully examined the use of so-called enhanced-interrogation techniques when he took over the CIA job. Long before the CIA even existed, police and soldiers turned instead to "clean" techniques, such as torture by electricity, ice, water, noise, drugs, and stress positions. Torture’s path was well paved by the time, in July 2002, Gonzalez and his colleagues convened in a White House office to consider CIA torture techniques and how to put a foundation of “legality” under them. Torture is defined as “the act of causing severe physical pain as a form of punishment or as a way to force someone to do or say something.” The origin of torture dates back to 530 A.D. when Roman jurists used torturous methods to obtain the truth. The CIA’s Torture Teachers By Mark Benjamin Global Research, June 26, 2007 ... added extreme sensory deprivation to the list of techniques that have been used by the CIA. CIA interrogators asked Rahim a variety of questions during these interrogations, seeking information about the current location of senior al-Qa'ida leaders, which he did not provide. That’s true. . Haspel is a torturer, with deep involvement in some of the most horrible abuses and crimes of the ‘War On Terror” era. So says John Kiriakou, the first former… Psychology studies suggest it's ineffective at the latter. The CIA’s records also contradict the evidence the agency provided of some “thwarted” terrorist attacks and the capture of suspects, which the CIA linked to the use of these enhanced techniques. . Abuse of detainees at Guantánamo Bay, in Afghanistan and Iraq, and in the CIA's network of secret 'rendition' prisons involves tweaking techniques described in Kubark (Fair 2007, Gordon and Fleisher 2006, Mackey and Miller 2004.New concerns are emerging about the use of social science in torture. Former Congressman: Enhanced Interrogation Techniques Can Be Valuable Robert Siegel talks to Peter "Pete" Hoekstra, who was chair of the House Intelligence Committee from 2004-2007. After a six-week pause, the torture resumed, with a sleep deprivation session that lasted a total of 138.5 hours, from November 2 until November 8, 2007. It’s also true that some of them committed torture. Her nomination should be stopped. by Micow11 in todayilearned [–] centristhorse 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago (0 children) CIA employees “are among the best and brightest our nation has to offer,” CIA Director John Brennan said last week. The beaming face of torture: Gina Haspel, nominee to be CIA Director. TIL that Jim Carrey had to be taught CIA torture coping techniques to endure the make-up process for How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The nomination of longtime CIA officer Gina Haspel to be head of the CIA. In 2008, the CIA confirmed it had used the controversial waterboarding technique when interrogating three suspects in 2002 and 2003. Jessen, one of the two contract psychologists who designed the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation techniques”, spent 10 days in the secret prison near … Quick Fact: Jim Carrey had to be taught CIA torture coping techniques And he said he made an objective decision that it would be wrong to cancel them. The CIA's torture teachers Psychologists helped the CIA exploit a secret military program to develop brutal interrogation tactics -- likely with the approval of the Bush White House. Now Gina Haspel, a veteran CIA officer who reportedly oversaw a secret prison where an alleged terrorist was waterboarded, is President Donald Trump’s pick to become the next director of the agency — and some of her supporters are again citing the military’s use of waterboarding to defend her. "This was the elephant in the room. It also detailed the CIA torture techniques used on al-Qaeda suspects - including sleep deprivation for 180 hours in shackled, stress positions and waterboarding to the point of unconsciousness. The report said that extended isolation contributed to “enduring psychiatric and mental problems” of prisoners. The techniques are known to have been used in other cases as well. Yes, torture IS already a crime. Hollywood star Jim Carrey has told how he was given training from an expert who advised the CIA on dealing with torture as he coped with a gruelling make-up regime in one of his movies. "I was a blank sheet when I went into the CIA in late May 2006," he told CBS over the weekend. report and the APA as supporting torture while APA and its leaders maintained its position that it did not. The topic of mind control is elaborate, multifaceted, and multi layered. The Senate report on torture found that the “enhanced techniques” used by the CIA were ineffective as a mechanism for gathering intelligence. Detainees on CIA torture flights, he told parliament in 2008, had in fact landed on the British-owned territory of Diego Garcia. The article described Mitchell's participation in a CIA interrogation of a high-value prisoner in March 2002 at an undisclosed location elsewhere -- presumably a secret CIA prison known as a "black site" -- where Mitchell urged harsh techniques that would break down the prisoner's psychological defenses, creating a feeling of "helplessness." The suit, filed in October 2015 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Washington, was on behalf of three of the program’s victims. Response to Article About Psychologists’ Role in CIA Torture Program The Los Angeles Times published a letter on Dec. 15, 2014, from APA President Nadine J. Kaslow, PhD, regarding its Dec. 14, 2014, article, “Two psychologists’ role in CIA torture program comes into focus.”