See our review post for a comprehensive comparison between the Airspy, SDRplay RSP1 and HackRF.
A wideband noise source can be used together with an RTL-SDR dongle to perform measurements on filters and to measure the SWR of an antenna.
Restock April. SDRplay RSP
By adding an LNA near the antenna this loss can be reduced.
FlightAware ProStick Plus (ADS-B Specialty RTL-SDR I would like to know if the QO-100 Bullseye TCXO LNB work with the RSP1A when they say you need 12-19V bias tee power injector and the RSP1A has Software Selectable 4.7V @ 100mA?
Includes 1x RTL-SDR Blog brand R820T2 RTL2832U 1PPM TCXO SMA V3 Dongle, 1x Dipole Antenna Base with 60cm RG174, 2x 23cm to 1m telescopic antenna, 2x 5cm to 13cm telescopic antenna, 1x 3 meter RG174 extension cable, 1x Flexible Tripod Mount, 1x Suction Cup Mount. Â
Please see the V3 features pdf datasheet here for full information on the improvements made, and our V3 users guide for information on using special features of our dongle. Thanks,
The SpyVerter uses an innovative new architecture that reduces overloading, has better SNR than other options and can operate all the way down to DC.
11.5 - 14V enables vertical polarization and 16 - 19V enables horizontal polarization. I purchased the rtl-sdr dongle kit that has the small tripod and suction cup holder for the antenna elements. The ADS-B LNA will be back in a few days time as well.
Purchase with an Original NanoVNA V2+ (above) and get $5 OFF! Antennas
The best value RTL-SDR on the market!
These cores help to suppress unwanted currents in the USB shield.
Please note that delivery time is also highly dependent on the efficiency of the postal and customs agencies within your country, and please understand that this processing time is totally out of our hands. RG6 Coaxial Cable
The triple filter design should help avoid dongle or LNA overload in noisy/strong signal environments.
Discone Antenna
On this site and on various marketplaces we sell our own custom modified and improved RTL-SDRs under our brand "RTL-SDR Blog" and "RTL-SDR.COM". Great for use with KerberosSDR and direction finding on a vehicle or fixed site.
RG402 is a semi-rigid cable. Although it was designed to be used with the Airspy, it works perfectly with the RTL-SDR.
Ham-It-Up Upconverter
Hi, Please note that if you do any modifications to the PCB (e.g. Direct
The CPU runs at a base clock speed of 2.9GHz and can be boosted to an impressive 4.3GHz.
There are also several low noise amplifier circuits that can be found very cheaply for sale on eBay and most will do a good job.
However, currently we would recommend the SpyVerter or SV1AFN over this option. If you have a general question about RTL-SDRs or SDRs we ask you to please ask in our forums. ADS-B HABamp LNA + Filter Combo
Amazon USA local out of stock.
Unfortunately most don't provide a bias tee option like the LNA4ALL or HABamp does. An alternative to the SpyVerter is the upconverter designed by SV1AFN. Direct
LO frequency 9750/10600 MHz This reference output can be used to directly monitor the performance of the TCXO over time.
Amazon USA local in stock (Sold by FlightAware).
Amazon USA local out of stock.
FlightAware ADS-B Antenna
You should have two mails from PayPal.
But for radios without super low MDS specs, the signals can be boosted on by using any external low cost HF amplifier, or even our wideband LNA. Usually they have more information than we have. How do I track my shipment? The case case can be used to store the calibration kit as well.
If you have long runs of coax cable then a low noise amplifier (LNA) can help to significantly improve your reception.
Receives a 15% discount if you order 4 sets.
Wideband Noise Source
Multi HF Bandpass Filter Link is bad FYI.