Firstly, what is the reputation of CS at NYU? UW is definitely my top choice but I'm a bit anxious after hearing how competitive UW's engineering and CS programs are. time distribution. Currently, I have: GPA (UW): 3.64, UC Uncapped: 4.24, UC capped: 3.96. Step 2 CS: Pass (first attempt) Step 3: 196 (first attempt) Had 2 LOA during medical school (both related to money because I was paying cash) *I know my scores suck and will be an uphill battle but I believe a program director will see my life experience and other academic achievements and say, "we need that dude in our program." - stopped at a Macdonalds after the exam to check out my new work environment after failing this test. If you started at UW in Fall 2016 or later and want to do a Computer Science minor, then you will need to apply for a transfer to Computer Science or add CS as a joint program to your current studies so you can take CS major courses that are required for the CS minor. To me, most people do fail to get in, but most applicants would fail out of the program too, so it kind of makes sense. Statistic table similar with the table in the list times panel. Some CA schools and Ivy’s are her preference. My GPA and test scores are good but probably not good enough to be directly admitted. It really depends how you gauge that. UW would give me a great deal of comfort and it’s more affordable. Secondly, I was wondering if I should even consider applying with my stats. - marked 75% of questions - apparently didn’t read the USMLE book of ethics for the 50 ethics questions in weird scenarios that happened never in real life. If you look at the graph of CS grads going back 20 years, you will see that it peaked 4-5 years after the dotcom bubble (meaning 4-5 years after 2000). I am considering applying there as a CS major. cross-session stats. It’s hard to generally say that the University of Washington is a good school since determining if it is a good school or not largely depends on what one is looking for in their undergraduate experience and what one wants to major in. You are able to do cross-session statistics with this tool. You don’t need me to tell you that. It’s very easy to get lost in al l of that, and start to question your own self-worth. My one son went to Waterloo, he did Engineering and worked mainly in contracts with some top names. Reasonably difficult? Statistics. - guessed on half the bio stats - forgot to study first aid for step 1 is what it seems. Someone will choose to be a CS major based on current conditions, but a CS major will become a CS grad after about 4-5 years, meaning CS grads are a 4-5 year lagging indicator of market conditions. - ritvikupadhyaya/cs354 Time distribution and stability analysis,